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  1. IG21w.pdf

    gael mwy o wybodaeth drwy ffonio neu edrych ar y wefan: Ffôn: 0300 456 0300 Ar-lein: office-of-the-public-guardian 4 Atwrneiaeth Galluedd meddyliol Trwy gydol y canllaw ... gwybodaeth am wneud atwrneiaeth arhosol neu wneud cais i’r Llys Gwarchod. Ffôn: 0300 456 0300 Solicitors for the Elderly Sefydliad cenedlaethol, annibynnol

  2. IL4.pdf

    Amazon) asking you to update your account details or install a programme on your device • from a government agency (e.g. HMRC) telling you about a rebate or penalty • an email saying you have won some kind ... Free advice about using the internet safely. 26 Internet security GOV.UK Government website offering practical information and advice to the public. In Northern Ireland

  3. RB_Jan16_Predicting_the_prevalence_of_loneliness_at_older_ages.pdf

    al, 2014). ELSA started in 2002/03 and is carried out every two years. It is co-funded by the UK government and the US National Institute of Aging. This paper reports results based on data from Wave 5, which ... prevalence of loneliness in each area. Even if the initiatives are localised and administered by local governments or locally-based organisations, having the nation- and region- (or state-) wide picture of the

  4. Age Cymru response to Senedd consultation on hospital discharge January 2022.pdf

    current crisis in both social care and health services, despite additional investment from Welsh Government and the commitment to pay all social care staff the Real Living Wage will take time for improvements

  5. CRS_Jan17_ FCA_Mission_Statement_2017.pdf

    regulator should inform policy-making through research, raising issues it encounters privately with Government and firms, but it should also be prepared to make public statements, if there are public policy

  6. Keeping well at home.pdf

    they get news and health information from. Find a credible source you can trust – such as Welsh Government or the NHS website – and factcheck information you get from newsfeeds, social media or other people

  7. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.pdf

    Cymru and the key organisations that represent older people in Wales. It’s important that Welsh Government and others hear from older people about your experiences and what matters to you. This survey will

  8. RB_June15_Lonelines_in_later_life_evidence_review.pdf

    ........................................................................................... 13 Government policy........................................................................................ ... stimulation.  Participants indicated that it retuned a sense of purpose, achievement and self-worth. Government policy Several studies highlight the fact that changes in circumstances of the life course in

  9. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020.pdf

    in older age. The festival began in 2007 and is supported by Arts Council of Wales and Welsh Government. The Age Friendly Culture Network is a national initiative created through a collaboration between

  10. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Religious_Minorities.pdf

    experienced unfair treatment in every aspects of education, employment, housing, law and order and local government services covered by the survey. High levels of unfair treatment were also reported by other minority

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