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  1. National Falls Prevention Taskforce Wales

    professionals. It’s aimed at people who have experience of working with older adults who are at risk of falls, with all areas of work background invited. It’ll be held at MPEC (Multi Professional ... management, home safety modifications, technology advances, foot management and the importance of a sensory assessment. This event is the first of two training days, the second day is on 31 January 2024 at the

  2. ID204744 Jingle Bakes poster_A4.pdf

    slice, every sliver, every bite of every biscuit, every crunch helps Age Cymru support older people at Christmas and beyond. Date: At: Age Cymru is a registered charity number: 1128436

  3. FS56.pdf

    If you are in Northern Ireland, please contact Age NI for information. Contact details can be found at the back of this factsheet. Contact details for any of the organisations mentioned in this factsheet ... or capital you have. You can get an estimated benefit entitlement with the Age UK benefit calculator at 2 Means-tested benefits Means-tested benefits include Universal Credit

  4. Age Cymru response to Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Condiitons in Adults consultation response July 2021.pdf

    experiences of the most recent lockdown highlights issues that older people and their carers are facing with delays in hospital treatment.4 The majority of conditions that were identifiable through responses ... will be unable to work, some will be unable to provide childcare for their families and some will be at risk of losing employment whilst waiting for treatment. Increasing waiting times will have a huge effect

  5. Final Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness report

    Combatting loneliness one conversation at a time A call to action Over the past year we have been proud to chair the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, which Jo set up before her death in summer 2016, to ... communities. The Commission was a response to Jo’s own experience - of finding herself a fish out of water at university and experiencing deep loneliness, and later of seeing the devastating effects of loneliness

  6. Legacy leaflet Welsh.pdf

    bobl fel Huw, Emlyn a Gwen. Byddwn ni yma i gadw cwmni i Huw Ar ôl symud ar draws y wlad i fod yn nes at ei deulu, roedd Huw’n teimlo ar goll heb ei grŵp o ffrindiau agos. Heb fath o gylch cymdeithasol, ... gennym, i wneud yn siŵr ei fod yn hawlio popeth y mae ganddo hawl iddo. Fe wnaethon ni ei gyfeirio at ei awdurdod lleol i gael gwresogyddion dros dro. Byddwn ni yma pan fydd Gwen eisiau siarad Pan fu

  7. CRS_Dec14_EHRC_Legal_Strategy.pdf

    EHRC’s current litigation strategy. However, given the increasing difficulties which individuals face in funding cases, the introduction of tribunal fees and the increasing burden on the voluntary sector ... and (v) assess if non-litigation options are available. We highlight the value of criteria aimed at securing better understanding of rights and obligations, challenging a decision, policy or practice

  8. CRS_June15_Cabinet_Office_Public_Service_Ombudsman.pdf

    brought to it reach the correct body.  While we support moves to greater efficiency, this must not be at the expense of providing a high quality of dispute resolution in which citizens have confidence. This ... championing better standards: it is vital that it is properly funded.  While we agree that specific sector facing staff should be retained, we do not think it is necessary to nominate specific ‘health’ or ‘housing’

  9. RB_April11_Evidence_Review_Healthy_Ageing.pdf

    NHS with support from councils’. By 2010, however, although the measure of healthy life expectancy at age 65 remains in the performance management system for the NHS, it is classified as a tier 3 priority ... Lord Darzi’s NHS Review in 2009 emphasised that building an NHS for the future demands a focus on helping people to stay healthy as well as treating them when they are sick. It committed to offering health

  10. Being scam aware.pdf

    this time there are a number of scams circulating. Please be scam aware and follow our tips below to help the person you’re supporting to stay safe. Encourage them to: • Be sceptical if they receive an email ... about saying no and putting the phone down on strangers who might phone them. Phone scams You could help the person you’re supporting to be aware of phone scams. It might be a scam if: • They’re asked to

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