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  1. RB_Dec15_Later_life_in_a_digital_world.pdf

    world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than 5 million people every year, providing support, companionship and advice for older people who need it most ... Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland and around 165 local Age UK partners in England. About this report Age UK has long been committed to increasing digital inclusion in later life and many local Age UKs

  2. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    Economist, Age UK Introduction Last year, Age UK estimated that 1,004,000 older people between 65 and over have unmet social care needs –roughly 31 per cent of older people with difficulty in carrying ... activities are classified as ADL:  Having a bath or a shower  Dressing or undressing  Getting in and out of bed  Using the toilet  Eating, including cutting up food Local authorities set eligibility

  3. RB_Sept14_Satisfaction_with_social_care_services-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    care services among South Asian and White British groups Rosalind Willis, Priya Khambhaita, Pathik Pathak and Maria Evandrou In national surveys, people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups have ... ill health and disability among certain minority ethnic groups. Utilising qualitative in-depth interviews with people from South Asian and White British groups in Hampshire, Portsmouth, and Southampton

  4. RB_June16_Age_UK_Discharge_From_Hospital_Briefing.pdf

    hospitals June 2016 How and when someone is discharged from hospital, and the support they receive in the aftermath, are critical determinants of their long-term recovery and return to a reasonable quality ... quality of life. We regularly read articles in the media about ‘bed blocking’ and hear talk of older people staying in hospital when they no longer need hospital care. Sometimes there seems to be a tendency

  5. RB_Dec15_The_end_of_formal_social_care.pdf

    coalition of organisations and individuals seeking to improve on the Care Act’s recognition of the need for financial advice. The Centre represents a significant expansion in terms of scope and output to include ... policy briefings and research papers, which consider not just questions about care funding but questions about funding retirement more broadly. And critically it will focus on developing ideas and solutions to

  6. RB_2012_Equalities_Evidence_Review.pdf

    1 Diversity in older people and access to services – an evidence review By: Jo Moriarty and Jill Manthorpe A report of research carried out by the Social Care Workforce Research Unit ... obtained. Date: 2012 ISBN: 978-0-9568731-5-6 This report has been produced for Age UK by Jo Moriarty and Jill Manthorpe of the Social Care Workforce Research Unit at King’s College London. Any views expressed

  7. Advocacy Services in Newport.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 Advocacy Services in Newport In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below ... Health Advocate) ASC Advocacy Support Cymru 029 2054 0444 Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family / friends to consult? If not, are they facing serious medical treatment

  8. CRS_Nov17_financial_protections_vulnerable consumers.pdf

    purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square London WC1H ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis

  9. CRS_July16_Ofgem_on_Priority_Services_Register_review.pdf

    purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Phil Mawhinney Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis

  10. CRS_Dec15_BIS_switching_principles.pdf

    purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Phil Mawhinney Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis

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