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  1. CRS_June15_Response_to_Freedom_to_Speak_Up_Review.pdf

    NHS where staff can feel safe to raise concerns as well as confident that they will be listened to and their concerns will be acted upon. This consultation seeks views about a package of measures to implement ... raise concerns with any other colleague within the organisation, and be confident that their views will be taken seriously. 1. Introduction Age UK welcomes this opportunity to comment on proposals for

  2. 20191127 WG SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Comments relating to specific Objectives are provided below:  WG Equality Objective 1: ‘By 2024, we will improve outcomes for those most at risk of living in low income households, particularly those with ... sort of support should be available wherever it is needed.  WG Equality Objective 2: ‘By 2024, we will complete investigations into ways the Welsh Government can ensure an integrated equality and human

  3. One_Digital_Phase_1_Evaluation-Full_Report.pdf

    publications which could generate additional volunteers • Being flexible: different intermediaries will want to be involved in different ways (e.g. loan devices as extra resource; delivering session; support ... conversation with an older person to help understand how they will most benefit from support available • Patience as in some cases an older person will need to repetitively be shown how something is performed

  4. Final Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness report

    government to step forward and lead a renewed push to tackle loneliness. But we know that loneliness will not end until we all recognise the role we can play in making that happen. Jo always looked forward ... loneliness. FUTURE ACTION Tackling loneliness is a generational challenge. Each and every one of us will need to come together – as individuals, in our communities, with civil society organisations, businesses

  5. Summer Leaflet v4.pdf

    website: Top tip: Always carry a drink with you when out and about. An insulated flask will keep cold drinks cold for longer – much more refreshing and cooling than sipping from a plastic bottle ... you’re taking medication that affects water retention. Protect your skin - Be burns aware Ageing skin will suffer the effects of the sun in a shorter time frame. Just 10 minutes can be too long for some. Get

  6. Newsletter Nov 2020 v2.pdf

    worries, what worked well, and how we need to proceed as we look towards the challenges that winter will bring. Levels of loneliness and isolation amongst older people, already a significant issue for many ... Arts and Creativity Programme Manager, said: “An agenda that’s co-produced by older people themselves will help us to encourage the media and other organisations to represent older people in Wales as they

  7. RB_Oct11_age_regulations_five_years_on.pdf

    any potential for positive change. Age UK is optimistic that following its abolition improvements will be more significant. • Line managers are in the vanguard of change, and their views are crucial. ... however, optimistic that in the post-DRA world greater proliferation of agefriendly employment practices will occur. International comparisons show that legislation has a vital role to play in fostering good

  8. CRS_Feb16_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    maintains its value, and unless it is continues there is an increased risk that future pensioners will not achieve adequate retirement incomes. People currently in their late 50s and early 60s are adversely ... demographic and social changes. For example, increasing longevity, and more years spent in education, will affect the ages at which people start and end their working lives.  The level and distribution of

  9. Age Cymru Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 FINAL E.pdf

    raises many questions from the issues of getting a face-to-face GP appointment and the challenges many will face doing things by phone or video call to the implications for longer term, chronic or serious medical ... backlog in hospital appointments. Some of the most vulnerable people requiring these appointments will also be those who need an advocate, and it is important for health services to ensure they refer to

  10. AC5 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    900 from Advocacy Counts 4.  Looking ahead, the number of services who believe that their funding will remain the same or increase has dropped to 53% compared to 63% in Advocacy Counts 4.  Services specifically ... note that these services will include other statutory services such as IMCA and IMHA) 26 12 44 15 (Please note that one provider may have more than 1 advocacy service and some will have services specifically

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