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  1. FS10w - June 2020.pdf

    Note: Finding contact details for your social services department If you have internet access, you can search for your local authority using your postcode on the Welsh Government’s website: https://gov ... your authority should be available in your local telephone directory, or our Age Cymru Advice line can provide them – see section 25 for contact details. ‘Care homes’ The term ‘care home’ covers any establishment

  2. FS46w.pdf

    having difficulty managing at home 8 3.2 If you are in hospital 8 3.3 What sort of homecare or non-residential services might be available? 9 3.4 ... Flat rate charges are permitted for certain services 16 6 The means test for determining a charge – what types of income will be taken into account? 17 6.1 Income taken into account

  3. RB_Jan16_Age_UK_Briefing_Opposition_Day_Debate_Housing.pdf

    numbers of older people in private rented accommodation are still relatively small, they will rise over time. There is interest in whether the sector might offer an alternative to older residents downsizing ... rented sector and the owner occupied sector. The flexibility and location of private rented housing can make this an attractive option, but we need to address issues around disrepair, 2 accessibility and

  4. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    compatibly with Convention rights. If an Act of Parliament breaches these Convention rights, the courts can declare the legislation to be incompatible. This does not affect the validity of the law; the HRA maintains ... in the UK Courts if they think that their Convention rights have been or are going to be breached. What does the Human Rights Act add? One of the Act’s purposes is to grant the power to service users to

  5. FS40w.pdf

    financial means test for care home provision 11 4.1 Introduction 11 4.2 What is deprivation of assets? 11 4.3 Deprivation of income 12 5 The Code of Practice guidance and deprivation ... 5.4 When is deprivation deliberate – the question of ‘intention’, ‘motive’, ‘timing’ and ‘foreseeability’ 15 6 Local authority investigations 16 7 Examples of where a local authority

  6. FS44w.pdf

    treatment waiting time targets 24 10.1 General targets 24 10.2 Cancer treatment targets 24 10.3 Mental health treatment targets 25 10.4 Postponement of a planned operation 25 10.5 Waiting time exceptions 25 ... 25 10.6 If you have waited longer than the target times 25 11 Services at your local pharmacy 26 12 Reporting unwanted side effects from medication – the ‘Yellow Card scheme’ 27 13

  7. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    Taflu goleuni ar fynd i’r afael ag unigrwydd ac arwahanu cymdeithasol ymysg pobl h n Erthyglau nodwedd Tudalen 2 Cyflwyniad – Victoria Lloyd Tudalen 4 Ni ddylai neb fod heb neb – profiadau pobl hyˆn ... Robert Visintainer Tudalen 20 Y Gemau OlympAge yn cynnig gwˆ yl o weithgareddau chwaraeon llawn hwyl i bobl hyˆn – Nicola Fedyszyn Tudalen 22 Clybiau Gwanwyn: ‘...a nawr, rhywbeth cwbl wahanol!’ – Emma

  8. RB_Oct11_Delivering_The_Equality_Duty.pdf

    Service Equality Duty arising from the Equality Act 2010 • p rovides guidance on how public bodies can meet these requirements in relation to older people • p resents case studies and good practice examples ... examples of public bodies working to improve services to older people. Contact Copies of this document can be obtained from Author Katherine Hill Policy Adviser (Equalities and Human Rights)

  9. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    contribution of carers of all ages across the UK range from £55 billion5 to £132 billion6 annually. Carers can be involved in a whole range of practical, physical, personal and administrative tasks. Examples include: ... Reaching crisis point can have significant implications for the carer’s future, as well as the potential health impact. It can result in short-term decisions being made that can place future financial

  10. The Equality Act

    discriminatory against a person because of a protected characteristic like their age. For example, if you can pay for an item in instalments but only if you are working, this would disadvantage retired people ... Transport Housing associations Age discrimination can be legal under certain circumstances. The Equality Act allows for age discrimination when it can be ‘objectively justified’. That means the employer

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