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  1. FS91.pdf

    not have to buy an annuity from the company holding your pot. See section 2.3.1 of factsheet 12, Planning your retirement: money and tax, for more detailed information about annuities. Age UK factsheet ... Total overall weekly income is £312.95. These examples are for illustration only. Get advice if you plan to spend large sums of money and you get, or intend to claim, meanstested benefits. Also, if the DWP

  2. FS29w.pdf

    person can only overcome the barrier(s) to participate fully in the assessment [and] care and support planning...with assistance from an appropriate individual, but there is no appropriate individual available”14 ... local criteria. If you need specialist care from a chiropodist, ensure it is included in your care plan. You will be expected to pay for your own personal items, such as toiletries, clothing etc. 21 See

  3. FS2.pdf

    leases in retirement housing, regardless of whether the scheme charges ‘transfer’ fees. There are plans for further legislation to be introduced in 2023/24 to include giving leaseholders a new right to ... need to contribute towards a reserve or ‘sinking’ fund to cover unexpected or expensive works and planned maintenance of the exterior and communal areas. ⚫ the scheme manager service. ⚫ emergency alarm

  4. IG21.pdf

    AgeUKIG21 Planning for the future Power of attorney 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining our Readers’ Panel. You don’t ... information on advance decisions and advance statements. Office of the Public Guardian Government organisation to help people in England and Wales

  5. FS49.pdf

    coffin, religious costs, flowers and transport costs (restricted to £120 if there is a pre-paid funeral plan that does not cover these expenses) ⚫ documentation necessary for the release of the deceased’s assets ... the body of the person who has died has to be transported more than 50 miles. See factsheet 27, Planning for your funeral, for more information. 1.3.2 Capital and assets If you apply for a Funeral Expenses

  6. CRS_May14_Smith_Institute_Making_Work_Better.pdf

    is directly related to improving job quality. We recommend that this inquiry looks into how to engage employees of all ages, in particular those with lower level or no qualifications, in high quality

  7. Newsletter welsh v4.pdf

    lansio gan Age Cymru yn hydref 2020. Bydd y prosiect, o’r enw HOPE (Helping Others to Participate and Engage), yn hyfforddi gwirfoddolwyr cymunedol i ddarparu cymorth eiriolaeth i bobl hŷn a gofalwyr fel y

  8. Tell Me More report (Welsh).pdf

    cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn unol â'r Cynllun Gweithredu Cartrefi Gofal Care homes action plan: final update [HTML] | GOV.WALES yw dod i ddeall sut beth oedd bywyd i bobl hŷn yn byw mewn cartrefi

  9. Survey v5.docx

    wellbeingHow to get regular breaks from looking after the person/sContingency and emergency planningHow to plan for my future care needsCommunicating with and understanding health servicesHelp with accessing benefits

  10. CRS_Sept13_Evidence_to_MCA_Select_Committee.pdf

    so put off applying. 6.3. Age UK has welcomed the opportunity to input our views into the OPG’s plans to introduce online applications for LPAs. We have made clear our view that while improving the process ... money, what they do with their own property, how they participate in family, social and public life, plans for care and support if they get ill in the future and where they would like to die.

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