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  1. Age Cymru Response - Costofcaringforanageingpopulation.pdf

    authorities to assess an individual’s and their relatives’ ability to pay prior to placing a person in a home requiring third party payments, it is nevertheless found that relatives can be issued with unexpected ...  the provision of adult community-based care services is falling year on year  the provision of home care is falling year on year and  the provision of respite care is also falling. 28. Age UK has

  2. Summer 2022 Newsletter ENG.pdf

    items such as rent or mortgage, Council Tax, utility bills, food and drinks, communications in the home such as the telephone and internet, and transport with taxis and vehicle running costs. The Charity ... Cymru West Glamorgan’s Suzi rescues trapped client who suffered a fall Age Cymru West Glamorgan’s Home Support Worker Suzi arrived for a client appointment only to find them trapped upstairs and unable

  3. CRS_Sept13_Evidence_to_MCA_Select_Committee.pdf

    the rights of an individual with those of other people, for example staff and residents in a care home. Providing a range of statutory forms that local authorities and other decision makers could use rather ... people over the age of 65 living with dementia in the UK in 2012, of whom one third live in a care home, we think there may be many more older people who should be benefitting from them who are potentially

  4. CRS_June16_Ofcom_broadband_USO.pdf

    being able to shop and bank from home, especially useful for people in rural areas with sparse services or whose health or mobility makes it hard for them to leave the home. Others may value the internet ... do it again.’5 7. Reliable internet is especially important for people who are unable to leave the home because of health conditions. Increasingly, telecare and telehealth options are being offered to help

  5. IL4.pdf

    use in everyday life. For example, you wouldn’t open your front door and invite a stranger into your home, so it makes sense not to open email attachments from someone you don’t know. Being aware of the risks ... shopping and banking The internet can offer useful ways to do your shopping and manage your money from home. More and more people are discovering that it’s quick and convenient, and can even lead to some savings

  6. FS7.pdf

    using a suitably qualified solicitor is often a good idea. A solicitor may visit in your own home, care home, or hospital if necessary. The cost of making a will varies according to its complexity. Ask ... factsheet 7 July 2024 Making a will Page 11 of 16 9 Where to keep your will Your will should be kept at home safely in a waterproof and fireproof container, or lodged with a solicitor or a bank who may charge

  7. FS22.pdf

    your quality of life. For decisions about serious medical treatment or a long-term stay in a care home or hospital, an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate must be appointed to support and represent you ... any of your attorneys or replacement attorneys ⚫ the owner, director, manager, or employee of a care home in which you live or a member of their family ⚫ a director or employee of a trust corporation appointed

  8. RB_June14_CPA_Outcomes_prevention_monitoring.pdf

     breast and cervical cancer screening among sixteen possibilities listed  • falls prevention, e.g. validated home safety assessments  • housing adaptations and allied practical support, e.g. mainly low‐level adj ... Clubs and Social Activity); and Social Support (e.g. Assisted Shopping, Equipment Access Service, Home Improvement, Ring and Ride and Transport). The key remaining areas of unmet needs concern Armchair

  9. FS92.pdf

    bank account, and, if applicable, details about your partner and any dependents. If you rent your home, you need your landlord’s details and your rent amount. You need a unique email address, as does ... if you are unable to claim by telephone or go to a local Jobcentre Plus office, the DWP can make a home visit to help you make a claim. Note For more about online security, see the Age UK Guide, Staying

  10. IG03.pdf

    dies, there are a few things that need to be done straight away. After the death If someone dies at home and their death was expected, for example because they had a terminal illness, you should call their ... who’s died to stay at home – provided the funeral takes place within a few days. You can discuss this with your funeral director to explore your options. 7 If someone dies at home unexpectedly, call 999

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