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  1. Conversation resource - English.pdf

    in the context of the Senses Framework: Security What helps you feel at home? What helps you feel safe? What would you change if you could? Continuity What are your interests? Tell me more… Are you able

  2. Accessing help for other.pdf

    be putting their long-term health at risk. Seeking medical help is one of the reasons people can safely leave home. The person you’re supporting can access medical help: • Online:

  3. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    Drwy gael prawf diogelwch i’ch system wres gan beiriannydd sydd ar y Gofrestr Diogelwch Nwy (Gas Safe Register), byddwch yn dawel eich meddwl fod eich system wres yn gweithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithlon ... Pan fydd peiriannydd yn dod i’ch cartref, gallwch ofyn i gael gweld eu cerdyn Diogelwch Nwy (Gas Safe) a gallwch wneud nodyn o rif eu cerdyn trwydded os ydych yn dymuno. Cysylltwch â’r Gofrestr Diogelwch

  4. IG02.pdf

    meeting up with online friends in real life. Our Avoiding scams guide has more information on staying safe online. Next steps. If you need help getting online, your local Age UK or Age Cymru might offer digital ... Care should be provided by trained staff who treat you with dignity and respect. You should feel safe talking to them. In some cases, you might be reluctant to ask for help because you’re worried about

  5. RB_Aug17_briefing_poverty.pdf

    included: high rents, high transport costs, and poor access to local amenities. Living in a peaceful safe area with nearby amenities helped offset the impact of low income, as did having a good housing situation

  6. The future of social care in Wales - February 2019.pdf

    older people are inappropriately discharged without checks having place to ensure that they will be safe and cared for at home during their recovery. Whilst funding is predominantly centred upon the health ... assessments and organise or provide health, social care and third sector support so that people can have a safe and timely return home from hospital so that they don’t have to stay in hospital; make sure that those

  7. Newsletter Summer 2021 - English.pdf

    professionals must follow it. Safe Document Storage The original, signed document is the only legally binding version of your Will, so it’s important that it’s kept safe. We offer a low cost, secure solution

  8. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    greater reduction in the number of trips taken (45%) in older age. 17 [Figure 7] Accessible transport is key to maintaining wellbeing and social and physical health in older age.18 London, is probably the best

  9. Age Cymru Domiciliary Care Report 2015 (w).pdf

    conditions and care quality in residential, domiciliary and nursing services 15 I Koehler (2014): Key to care. Report of the Burstow Commission on the future of the home care workforce: tud19 Mewn arolwg

  10. Age Cymru Arts in Care Homes Policy Paper August 2023.pdf

    this is done varies widely across Wales. Evidence demonstrates that having support from management is key; when the creative input of activity coordinators and care staff is valued by their employer, staff

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