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  1. Welsh FAQ.pdf

    hefyd yn derbyn hyfforddiant sy'n benodol i'r rôl hon. Bydd yr holl hyfforddiant yn cael ei gynnal ar Zoom neu Teams. 5. A fydd y cartref gofal yn rhoi cymorth i mi? Bydd gennych bwynt cyswllt yn y cartref

  2. Help with the cost of living

    find out if you're likely to qualify. We have a number of guides covering benefit topics, including our More money in your pocket information guide. If you're not currently claiming any benefits, it could ... 'further information' section below).  Further information  Our following factsheets and guides may be helpful to you on some of the subjects covered on this page: Factsheet 1w: Help with heating

  3. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter May 2021.pdf

    have found enjoyable, challenging and stimulating in equal measure. For a start my efficiency with Zoom has had to increase exponentially! The joy of volunteering in a global pandemic! I’ve never felt ... Below are the details of the next round of advocacy network meetings which will take place via Zoom or Teams: North Wales 5 May 2021 10.30am - 12.30pm 3 Counties in West Wales 18 May 2021 10.00am

  4. Feeling well is not just about being physically fit and healthy - it's equally important to your overall health that you feel good mentally.

    never too late to get active. Find out more about staying active   Our guide has further information:   Information Guide 56: Your mind matters - ideas and tips for emotional wellbeing For more

  5. State Pension

    choice to claim or to defer and receive higher payments in the future instead. Read our Information Guide 53: State Pension Read our more detailed Factsheet 19: State Pension Get a State Pension estimate

  6. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - English lang.pdf

    been prepared by Age Cymru and Age UK and contains general information on the range of information guides and factsheets only, which we hope will be of use to you. Nothing in this leaflet should be construed ... ontents Introduction 4 Age UK Advice 4 About Age UK, Age NI and Age Scotland 5 Free information guides 6 Age Cymru shops 7 Money matters 8 Health and wellbeing 14 Home and care 17 Work and learning

  7. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter May 2021.pdf

    wedi bod yn bleserus, yn heriol ac yn ysgogol yn gyfartal. I ddechrau, mae fy effeithlonrwydd gyda Zoom wedi gorfod gwella’n gyflym! Hwyl gwirfoddoli mewn pandemig bydeang! Dydw i erioed wedi teimlo nad ... Isod mae manylion y cylch nesaf o gyfarfodydd rhwydwaith eiriolaeth a fydd yn cael eu cynnal drwy Zoom neu Teams: Gogledd Cymru 5 Ma1 2021 10.30am - 12.30pm 3 Sir yng Ngorllewin Cymru 18 Mai 2021

  8. Advocacy Newsletter December 2017 English.pdf

    Rights Approach to Advocacy Page 7 Useful publications Human Rights and Advocacy: A Short-guide Page 8 Page 9 Events Useful Websites    Age Cymru’s free Advice Line

  9. Volunteer roles face to face.pdf

    (Technical) are involved in the technical aspects of running an online session, which are usually run via Zoom – Setting up sessions and being in control of the online meeting (for example, admitting participants

  10. About HOPE

    people (50+) and carers across Wales. HOPE staff and volunteers also engage with communities who can guide us to make sure the service we provide is right for the needs of older people and carers in their

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