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  1. RB_Dec15_The_end_of_formal_social_care.pdf

    provide. Figure 4: Anticipated additional spend per head by concentration of older people across LAs City of London Lambeth Richmond upon Thames Tower Hamlets Waveney East Lindsey 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 ... unpaid care13. Figure 5: Anticipated additional spend per head by concentration of unpaid carers by LA City of London East Lyndsey North East Derbyshire Richmond Upon Thames Sunderland Tendring Tower Hamlets

  2. RB_Oct16_Hidden_in_plain_sight_older_peoples_mental_health.pdf

    around increasing the number of older patients accessing treatment via the IAPT programme. Southampton City has a target of 7.5% being 65+ in 2015/16; the Isle of Wight had set the national target of 12%; and ... referral rate remains the same 18 aspiration of 19% of IAPT referrals being those aged 65 and over. City and Hackney CCG explained that they aimed to increase the proportion of older people referred to the

  3. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    become more aware of the project. And another, Age UK local stakeholder, commented on how CCGs in the city she works in are looking to involve the voluntary and health care sector more strongly in health and ... Loneliness and Social Isolation among older people in North Yorkshire, Social Policy research unit, York. Blaxter M. 2007. Evidence for the Effect on Inequalities in Health of Interventions Designed to Change

  4. FS79.pdf

    consultation or comply with their PSED duties. Case 3 - R (Rahman) v Birmingham City Council (2011) EWHC 944 (Admin) Birmingham City Council decided to end funding for local voluntary sector advice services

  5. are_you_listening_interactive.pdf

    high-quality services. 3 Why engage? Case study: Portsmouth municipal budget-making In Portsmouth, the City Council invites Portsmouth Pensioners’ Association (PPA) together with other voluntary bodies, including ... in the year over cuts, for example, may be futile. Following the budget, the PPA asks one of the city financial officers to give them a breakdown of all the expenditure on older people for the coming

  6. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    47-55 Garwood S (2010) A better life for older people with high support needs in housing with care, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation Ginn J (2013) Austerity and Inequality. Exploring the Impact of Cuts ... February) : 232-257 Hancock R, Morciano M and Pudney S (2016) Disability and poverty in later life, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation Hancock R, Morciano M and Pudney S (2014) Publicly-funded social care

  7. Transport policy statement - January 2022.pdf

    town or city centres to access a bus transport hub, and they then have to travel back out of the city/town centres to reach their destination, whereas in some cases a circular route, avoiding the city/town

  8. RB_June15_The_Future_of_Transport_in_an_Ageing_Society.pdf

    approximately 8% fall for the least deprived areas11. The new Government’s Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill will allow cities with elected mayors to take control of key powers including transport ... an opportunity to provide more flexible transport The new Government’s Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill will allow cities with elected metro mayors to take control of key powers including transport

  9. Advocacy Newsletter - October 2018 English.pdf

    not have it and were not working towards it.  80% of all advocates (paid and volunteer) have the City & Guilds Advocacy qualification, with many working towards the full diploma Language The survey

  10. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020.pdf

    numerous schools, residential homes, community groups and organisations including: Arts Council of Wales, City & County of Swansea Council, Communities First, DACE Swansea, WCVA and Urban Foundry. Laura is based

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