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  1. IG14.pdf

    eye tests for them. You can ask the optician to adapt the tests to accommodate the person’s needs. Encourage the person you care for to wear their glasses and make sure the lenses are cleaned frequently ... can then automatically send an alert to a carer or call centre in case you’ve fallen. Personal alarms Personal alarms allow you to call for help if you need it – for example, if you’re unwell or if you have

  2. IG13.pdf

    8 Assessing the needs of the person you care for 12 Financial support Carer’s Allowance 15 Carer’s Credit 16 Council Tax Support 17 Disability benefits for the person you’re caring for 18 Common care ... Making time for yourself 33 Taking a break from caring 35 When caring becomes harder 38 If the person you cared for has died 40 Carers support organisations 42 Useful organisations 43 4 What this guide

  3. Shopping.pdf

    unnecessary risks. 2. Don’t go into the house of the person you’re supporting. 3. Leave food / goods outside on the doorstep. 4. Communicate to the person in isolation that you have delivered via message or ... or phone call. Get confirmation that the person has received it before you leave. 5. Check any packaging is sealed and the temperature of product on delivery e.g. If it’s meant to be frozen, is it still

  4. Unpaid carers.pdf

    ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Unpaid carers The person you’re supporting may be a unpaid carer for the other person/s they live with. It’s useful for you to be aware of this when you’re ... in a whole range of practical, physical, personal and administrative tasks. Examples might include; cooking; housework; lifting, washing and dressing the person cared for; helping with toileting needs;

  5. Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

    as benefits, flexible working, sources of help and support as well how a caring role can affect a person's wellbeing and social life. The guide says it is important to recognise your role as a carer in order ... them, in other words it's personal and not professional and it is common to become a carer without realising it. This can mean that people feel lots of emotions towards the person they are caring for, such

  6. Supporting people.pdf

    ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Supporting people to prepare You can help the person you’re supporting with preparing for eventualities that may arise. This can help people feel less ... less anxious, and help things seem less uncertain in this uncertain time. • Ensure that the person you’re supporting has a second ‘Friend’ volunteer paired with them in a different household, as well as you

  7. Volunteer as a telephone befriender

    we'll then want to find out a bit about you so we can find your match. We'll match you with an older person based on your interests, hobbies, beliefs, background or anything else that might help you get to ... to know each other. Once that bit is sorted out, we'll agree a time between you and the older person for your weekly calls to begin. More information What is the overall purpose of the role? By signing

  8. MCR - SP Male case story.pdf

    Age at Work – case study guidance Older person Ideally this is 100 - 150 words summarising: • where the older person was before ( not employed/ employed /in need of support), • what they did with ... work etc o behavioural change - got a new job, got promoted , sorted out finances , lead an older person initiative at work ET cetera ET cetera Ideally, it would be good to include a quote, attributed

  9. IG23.pdf

    assessment As you get older, you might find you need some help in your day-to-day life, for example with personal care, such as washing and dressing. It can be hard to admit you’re finding it tricky to do things ... adaptations or equipment to make your home safer or easier to live in • help from home carers or a personal assistant • day care in a day centre. You can find more information on the support that’s available

  10. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (Summary Booklet.pdf

    future Programme Supporting older people to achieve a healthier lifestyle fit for the future was a person-centred programme to improve the physical health and mental wellbeing of older people living with ... long-term health condition. A trained staff member or volunteer met with an older person and developed with them a personal, tailored plan to suit their health and wellbeing needs. The support provided to

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