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  1. BigStep_Fundraising_Pack.pdf

    route Our official virtual route will take us In a clockwise direction around Wales along two of the world’s greatest footpaths: The Wales Coast Path and The Offa’s Dyke Trail. Together these paths form a complete ... and keep you posted via social media and our Big Step web page. Wales is the only country in the world with a continuous way marked path around its entire coast. Opened in 2008, the Wales Coast Path Llwybr

  2. CRS_Oct11_Strategic_Framework_for_Road_Safety.pdf

    and social enterprise working to transform later life in the UK and overseas. Our vision is of a world in which older people flourish. We aim to improve later life for everyone through our information

  3. RB_Feb17_AgeUK_Wellbeing_Index_Summary_web.pdf

    up almost 1/8th of total wellbeing in later life. This suggests that active engagement with the world around you is hugely important to us all, whether you go to the opera or participate in a community ... meaningful engagement with the world around you in later life. The most striking finding from this Index is the importance of maintaining meaningful engagement with the world around you in later life – whether

  4. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    Rapid review 2016 3 A 2012 international study of more than 63,000 older individuals, using the World Health Survey 2002-2004, determined that, worldwide, older women are more likely to be disabled than ... : 451-469 Graham N, Lindesay J, Katona C (et al); Old Age Psychiatry Section, World Psychiatric Association - WPA; World Health Organization - WHO (2003) Reducing stigma and discrimination against older

  5. Grant application and delivery support form.pdf

    research that they want to socialise more broadly or do not want to be connected to the Veterans world. It is recommended that this is a consideration by organisations when putting their applications together

  6. RB_July16_Older_people_and_internet_use_stats.pdf

    analysis of ONS Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Internet Access Module, 2014 xiv Later life in a digital world Age UK, 2016. xv Adults’ media use and attitudes Ofcom, 2016. Fig 169, p200.

  7. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    know that life’s road isn’t always an easy one. But by working together, we can start to create a world where everyone can love later life. We are local, national and international The Age UK Group comprises ... is no barrier to leading a fulfilling later life. Love later life sums up our vision for a better world, a vision that motivates our supporters, volunteers and staff. We are very proud of our achievements

  8. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    the result of a disease.13 It is likely that damage to the brain starts decades before the real-world symptoms begin to show. This very long latent period has made a cure for dementia very difficult to ... to an association between head circumference and incident dementia across diverse regions of the world.17 Cognitive reserve, on the other hand, refers to how flexibly and efficiently a person can make

  9. RB_June16_Age_Friendly_Places_guide.pdf

    support younger and older people to connect with each other, learn from each other and live well. The World Health Organisation’s Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities programme is the farthest ... Communication and information Social participation Transportation Outdoor spaces and buildings The World Health Organization (WHO)’s Age-friendly Cities model provides a useful framework for urban and rural

  10. IG55.pdf

    appliances. For example, you could put tea-making instructions by the kettle. • Use contrasting tones for cups and plates to make it easier to identify food and drink. For example, mashed potato on a white plate

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