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  1. 20230612 Project Officer JD - Hope Project Wrexham Flintshire and Denbighshire.docx

    Job DescriptionJob Title: Project Officer Location: Hybrid ( Home/Flint) but working across Wrexham, Flintshire and Denbighshire.Contractual Status of Role: Part time, 28 hours per week, fixed termuntil ... March 2025Salary: £2 7,667(FTE)Job Title of Line Manager: Regional Advocacy Manager Job Purpose: Working with the rest of the regional team , to meet the HOPE project objectives by co-producing and implementing

  2. 20230814 Dementia Advocate job description - Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan.pdf

    issues. 5. To work within the principles of the provision of advocacy and comply with the National Advocacy Charter and Code of Practice for Advocates. 6. To be collaborative in your work, building relationships ... Advocacy Project at meetings, networking events and stakeholder engagement opportunities. 10. To always work with the values of Age Cymru in mind and represent these values professionally at al times. Person

  3. 20230814 Dementia Advocate job description - Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan.pdf

    issues. 5. To work within the principles of the provision of advocacy and comply with the National Advocacy Charter and Code of Practice for Advocates. 6. To be collaborative in your work, building relationships ... Advocacy Project at meetings, networking events and stakeholder engagement opportunities. 10. To always work with the values of Age Cymru in mind and represent these values professionally at al times. Person

  4. CAP Regional Project Officer North and Mid Wales - English.pdf

    objectives by overseeing the regional delivery of services, supporting the Regional Volunteer Officer and working closely in collaboration with local partners. Main Responsibilities: 1. In line with local arrangements ... and oversee all case work undertaken by the volunteers in the region. 4. Receive referrals for the project in the region, matching volunteers to the person needing the service and work closely with other

  5. Volunteer Co-ordinator - HOPE Project South Wales.pdf

    a regional advocacy volunteer network, working closely and in collaboration with the local Age Connects and Age Cymru partners. Main Responsibilities: 1. Work with the Project Officers to identify and ... referrals for the HOPE project and match the right volunteer to the person needing the service and work closely with other members of the project team to ensure a high quality, timely and responsive service

  6. 20171901Chargingforcareandsupport.pdf

    regulations Welsh Government January 2017 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead ... structures and budgets that permit effective joint working and focus on providing person-centred care.  Where successful pilot programmes of joint working have been implemented, local authorities, Local

  7. Covid Survey 2022 - English - 040322.pdf

    Employment B1. Have you had to stop working since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak (March 2020)? (Select one option)  Yes  No  I’m retired  I wasn’t working at the start of the outbreak  Not ... Not relevant a) If Yes, why did you stop working between the start of the Covid-19 outbreak and now? (Select one option)  I was advised to self-isolate  I was worried about my health  I needed to care

  8. CAP Regional Coordinator South and South East Wales (A&C) 2023.pdf

    Project Officer and Regional Volunteer Officer. 3. Oversee and have overall responsibility for all case work undertaken by the volunteers and managed by the staff in the region. 2 4. Ensure the regional outcomes ... achieved and to support the staff in the region to meet their targets. 5. Take a strategic approach to working with all regional project partners, and to seek out and develop opportunities for referral pathways

  9. CAP Regional Coordinator West and South West Wales (A&C) 2023.pdf

    Project Officer and Regional Volunteer Officer. 3. Oversee and have overall responsibility for all case work undertaken by the volunteers and managed by the staff in the region. 2 4. Ensure the regional outcomes ... achieved and to support the staff in the region to meet their targets. 5. Take a strategic approach to working with all regional project partners, and to seek out and develop opportunities for referral pathways

  10. Covid Survey 2022 - English - 040322.docx

    Yes No I’mretired Iwasn’tworkingatthestartoftheoutbreak Not relevant If Yes , why did you stop working between the start of the Covid-19 outbreak and now?(Selectoneoption) Iwasadvisedtoself-isolate ... Iwasplanningtoretirearoundnowanyway OtherreasonPlease explain:Have you now returned to work?  Yes Nob) i) If Yes , are you working at the same job that you were in before the start of the Covid-19outbreakorhaveyouchangedjobs

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