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  1. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Order Form Insert - english and welsh.pdf

    wellbeing: Preventative measures Title of Publication Ref. No. Quantity Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? (bilingual guide) AC0001 Age Cymru Advice business cards (bilingual - two sided) AC0002 Age Cymru ... IG17 Home safety checker IL7 Housing Title of Publication Ref. No. Quantity Care homes IG06 Getting help at home IG23 Care home checklist IL5 Social care Title of Publication Ref. No. Quantity When someone

  2. Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

    Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

  3. How to find the help you need at home

    There’s a wide range of help available and you may be legally entitled to services to meet your needs.  You may need help with personal care, such as getting in and out of bed, washing and bathing ... bathing, preparing meals, shopping or cleaning. The first step in obtaining help from the local authority social services department is to ask for an assessment of your needs. The local authority will

  4. Information for carers (if you help a relative or friend)

    Read information on what you can do to help a loved one.

  5. How to get help with urgent or one-off expenses

    Information about financial help available through the Social Fund and other sources of discretionary support.

  6. NHS services in Wales and help with health costs

    of age, very few people feel well all the time. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can get help when you’re ill, or if you just need advice about your health.

  7. Help us to be there on the hardest day and every day

    people, festive cheer remains out of reach, with a staggering 84,670 older people in Wales saying they will eat Christmas dinner alone this year.

  8. Falls prevention

    people are taken to the emergency department in a hospital. Most falls don’t cause serious injury but they can leave you distressed. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to stay steady

  9. Unpaid carers.pdf

    person/s they live with. It’s useful for you to be aware of this when you’re providing help. • A carer is anyone of any age, who provides unpaid care and support to a relative, friend or neighbour who is disabled ... lifting, washing and dressing the person cared for; helping with toileting needs; administering medication; and providing emotional support. It might help the person you’re supporting to connect with other

  10. Listen and Connect

    Listen and Connect is a telephone listening service for older people who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

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