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  1. Take Action Today-Poster English.pdf

    Take Action Today Falls are not an inevitable part of growing older Care & Repair Cymru Let’s talk Do you worry about falling but don’t know what to do? • Tell someone about your concerns • Tell someone ... and taking exercise • Look for a local strength and balance focused exercise opportunity such as Tai Chi using or contact Age Cymru on 02920 431 555 for other exercise opportunities Stay

  2. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    Recommendations 21 Where to go for more information 22 Contents 2 Falls represent the most frequent and serious type of accident in people aged 65 and over. Furthermore, falls are the main cause of disability ... quality of life and well-being, even if a fall does not result in serious consequences. However, falls are not inevitable. There is a mass of evidence showing that exercise programmes designed to improve strength

  3. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Order Form Insert - english and welsh.pdf

    you can order and postage and packaging is free. Please note that while some resources are bilingual, others are currently available in English only. Please quote AC0001 when ordering. Title of Publication ... drosodd. Does dim terfyn ar y nifer y gallwch archebu ac mae cludiant a phecynnu am ddim. Sylwer, tra bod rhai adnoddau’n ddwyieithog, mae eraill ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig ar hyn o bryd. Nodwch AC0001

  4. Doorstep scams

    Older people are often the target of doorstep scammers. Find out how to protect yourself against the fraudsters.

  5. Falls prevention

    Falls are the number one reason older people are taken to the emergency department in a hospital. Most falls don’t cause serious injury but they can leave you distressed. The good news is that there are

  6. Advocacy newsletters

    Page to display GTAP Advocacy Newsletters that are produced bi-monthly.

  7. Take Action Today-table-Welsh.pdf

    hunanatgyfeirio neu os oes angen i chi weld meddyg teulu neu therapydd galwedigaethol. Cysyllu â Chyngor Age Cymru ar 0300 303 44 98 i ganfod pa ddosbarthiadau ymarfer sydd ar gael yn eich ardal i weddu eich ... Cysylltu â GIG 111 Cymru i ganfod podiatregydd neu gysylltu â Chyngor Age Cymru ar 0300 303 44 98 i gael gwybodaeth ar wasanaethau torri ewinydd yn eich ardal. Does dim cywilydd siarad am hyn. Dywedwch

  8. Keeping well at home.pdf

    Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©2021 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Keeping well at home There are number of things that people can do to help stay mentally and physically well whilst at home. As a ... more gusto, or finding a workout that works for them. There are a variety of exercises that can be done from home for all abilities. Below are some suggestions from NHS Wales for exercise that can be done

  9. Welsh Manifesto.pdf

    effeithiau niweidiol ar bobl h n, a cheir tystiolaeth gynyddol o’r effeithiau negyddol ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol. Ceir tystiolaeth gref y gall unigrwydd gynyddu’r pwysau ar ystod eang o wasanaethau ... chyfleusterau lleol ac allgáu digidol yn gallu achosi arwahanrwydd a theimladau o unigrwydd. Byddai cael gwared ar y rhwystrau hyn er mwyn creu Cymru sy’n gyfeillgar i oedran yn gwella cyfleoedd i bobl h n ddilyn eu

  10. Find care and support at home

    at home? You can get help with everything from personal care to home security - find out how and where to get assistance.

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