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  1. How to leave a legacy

    friends, it’s also the perfect way to ensure that a charity like Age Cymru can continue to be there, far into the future. We would always recommend that you speak to a qualified professional such as a ... you need to consider when you write your will and it helps you gather your thoughts and plans in one place. Will planner form If you already have a will If you already have a will and you want to include

  2. How to trace lost money

    You may have policies or accounts you don't know about. This guide will show you how to trace lost assets.

  3. Moving abroad or returning to the UK to live

    Information and advice for people considering moving to live abroad in retirement.

  4. Workplace pensions

    Heard about workplace pensions and auto-enrolment but aren't sure what that means for you? Find out more here.

  5. Changes to the benefit system

    infomation on State Pension age, see the UK Government website ). You’ll eventually be transferred to Universal Credit if you already claim any of the following: Income Support Income-based Jobseeker’s ... Pension age to claim Pension Credit. If this is not the case, they will have to make a new claim for Universal Credit.  Find out more about Universal Credit The way benefits are given to couples where

  6. Come and chat to us

    We want to hear about the issues that directly affect you. You can come and chat to us at the following events. July Wednesday 24 July, 10am - 2pm Carmarthenshire Working Summer Employment Event, St Peters ... Thursday 19 September 10am to 2pm Swansea Market, Oxford Street, Swansea SA1 3QZ October Thursday 17 October 11am to 2pm Tŷ Pawb, Market Street, Wrexham LL13 8BY Friday 18 October 9.30am to 12.30pm Welshpool Town

  7. CRS_June15_Response_to_Freedom_to_Speak_Up_Review.pdf

    Freedom to Speak Up Review Consultation on the implementation of the recommendations, principles and actions set out in the report of the Freedom to Speak Up Review Ref: 1115 Date: June 2015 ... address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 The Freedom to Speak Up Review was set up in 2014 in response to continuing problems around the reporting culture in the NHS, particularly

  8. Safe_to_be_me.pdf

    1 Safe to be me Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services A resource pack for professionals 2 Foreword ‘The staff in the home very rarely ... transferred to hospital without them notifying me. The man I love could have died and I wouldn’t have been there or even known.’ Ian ‘It was such a relief when the Age UK befriender enabled me to open up

  9. Sign-up to receive a friendship call

    Sign-up to receive a friendship call

  10. How to find a good tradesperson

    frustration. Be wary of traders who knock on your front door unexpectedly looking to get work - don’t feel pressured to hire them. If in doubt, always say no, close the door, and if necessary, contact the ... recommendations. This is often the easiest and safest way to find a tradesperson who will give a quality service. using the TrustMark tool to find tradespeople. TrustMark is the only government-endorsed

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