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  1. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales - October 2023.pdf

    What matters to you? Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales October 2023 Contents About this research 3 Current experiences of people aged 50 or over 1. Access to healthcare 4 • Accessing ... year ahead 33 3. Getting back out and about 37 4. Finance 39 What matters to you? Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales2 About this research During April and May 2023 Age Cymru worked in

  2. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.pdf

    since 2020 by Age Cymru and the key organisations that represent older people in Wales. It’s important that Welsh Government and others hear from older people about your experiences and what matters to you ... if you want us to contact you about the survey you can include your contact details at the end of the survey. You can also let us know if you want to get involved in our campaigns to make change for older

  3. Getting advice.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Getting advice If the person you’re helping is aged 50 or over and needs advice, please ask them to call Age Cymru Advice on 08000 223

  4. Michael Ward

    Volunteering Role: Nordic Walking Instructor Why did you want to volunteer with Age Cymru? I volunteered with Age Cymru after my wife had been attending courses at Maggies Singleton Hospital, she pointed out ... noticing a shortage of leaders and instructors I felt I could help by becoming a leader or instructor. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? I like to see the positive changes in people

  5. Volunteer stories

    volunteer with Age Cymru? Catherine I was already volunteering with Age Cymru with their friends sessions. I heard of this and thought it was a really worthwhile cause and wanted to be involved. Remo I think it’s ... it’s to do with my character, I’m a really sociable person and I just love meeting people. I’ve reached a point in my life where I have the time to take on things that I like, this has involved

  6. Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners

    Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners.

  7. 6 myths about claiming Attendance Allowance

    believe they don’t qualify or are put off by the claims process. Do any of these apply to you? 1. ‘My claim was turned down’ Your circumstances may have changed since the last time you applied, especially ... eligible . 2. ‘My income’s too high’ Attendance Allowance is assessed purely on your disability or health condition and your care or supervision needs. It isn’t means-tested so it doesn’t matter what you earn

  8. Tracing old pensions

    Tracing old pensions

  9. Neglect

    Describes what constitutes neglect

  10. Angela Airey

    want to volunteer with Age Cymru? I retired and wanted to do something useful. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? I really enjoy the interaction with my classes and look forward ... they can lift my mood to. What do you enjoy most about your volunteering experience? Listening to the older generation is refreshing and they are incredibly interesting, they simply need an ear. What would

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