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  1. LIFT - Low Impact Functional Training

    Exercise at home Hopefully you will find these resources useful to help maintain a healthy and active life when we are all spending more time at home. If you've not done physical activity for a while, ... Functional Training is suitable for everyone and can be followed both seated and standing. If you're using a chair make sure it's stable, solid and without wheels. You should be able to sit with feet flat

  2. BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

    questions to BT and attached their responses underneath each question.   Will call blockers, used to prevent scammers from contacting older people, still work after digital switchover?   Call ...     Some people reported being switched to the digital system without prior notice.   BT uses an automated system that requires their customers to provide permission before they are switched. 

  3. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks_.pdf

    About Falls Risks. Gramps: Thank you for caring about me, and yes, I don’t keep as active as I used to. If you help me keep active, I can keep myself strong and playing with you is great fun. You’re ... not on the ‘naughty step’, just thinking how dangerous the stairs can be, and you’re right about using the safety gate, holding onto the banister, and taking my time, or coming down on my bottom if my

  4. Nomination form for change maker.docx

    ………………… Name of person you’re nominating ……………………………………… …..Please tell us the town they live in ………………………………………… Please tell us why you’re nominating them?............................................ ... Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2024 Do you have their consent to nominate them and share their photo with us? I have permission to nominate this person and share their image with you. I don’t have permission

  5. 20190514 access to banking services in Wales.pdf

    older people with accounts find them difficult to use and have trouble accessing their money. Almost one-fifth of people aged 65+ use others to draw cash for them as a result of a variety of issues including ... branches have closed in Wales over the past 5 years.4 Post offices have the potential to provide a useful access point, especially in rural areas and most major UK banks now make their accounts accessible

  6. codicil_form_Age_Cymru.pdf

    codicils thereto. Signed Date Signed by the above named testator in our joint presence and then by us in his/hers. Witness 1 Witness 2 Name Name Address Address Occupation Occupation ... Insert your full address and postcode. Insert here the share of your estate or the amount of money using both words and figures – for example, one thousand pounds (£1,000) – or the description of the item

  7. 04_shakeyopompom_DIGITAL.pdf

    shake yo’ PomPom crochet bobble hat Call us old fashioned, but there’s nothing quite like a classic bobble dazzler to get hooks looping. how you crochet it: (in blue) Start 6 dc in a magic ring [6] round ... (number 1128267) Fasten off and sew in end. making up: Make a large pompom with both colours either using a pompom maker or a fork. Sew it nice and securely to the top, in the centre, and trim if necessary

  8. What to include in your Attendance Allowance application

    washing or drying your hair? Going to the toilet Do you need help adjusting your clothes after using the toilet, using the toilet at night, or changing clothes or bedding if you have an accident? Help with medical

  9. This is older - English.pdf

    dependent. A collective voice is a powerful voice. Show us your accurate portrayals of older people, help us to spread the word and tackle ageism by using #ThisIsOlder This is Older Creating an age friendly ... the state, eg ‘Pensioner’ and consider whether we are reinforcing stereotypes with the language we use. Are you promoting the dangerous stereotype of dependence or infirmity when it isn’t part of the story

  10. RB_March14_Toynbee_Hall_Later_older_age.pdf

    financial resilience in later old age. For most of us there is simply no one other than a trusted relative who we can ask with confidence to pick up cash, pay in a cheque, pay a tradesperson or other service ... other services and feel confident that we can manage no matter what happens; our relative will help us out, and we know that we will be supported to live life well and manage in a crisis. But who do we

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