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  1. Michael Ward

    my wife had been attending courses at Maggies Singleton Hospital, she pointed out that there was a group of people doing Nordic Walking and suggested we try it out. Realising the benefits that Nordic Walking

  2. RB_July15_Age_UK_loneliness_risk_index_summary.pdf

    6910 0.0908 Pets 0.4284 0.1362 3.1450 0.0017 Difficulty with 2+ ADL 0.3759 0.1779 2.1120 0.0347 Age group 75-79 -0.3542 0.1945 -1.8210 0.0686 Difficulty with 1 ADL 0.3169 0.1692 1.8720 0.0612 What can the ... Census rather than a survey, the usual problems of sample size, disclosure/ anonymity and minority-group representativeness do not apply or are easily dealt with. We are currently in a position to assess

  3. IG56.pdf

    more call 0300 303 44 98. You could also ask your local Age UK if there are any classes or local groups you could join. In Wales, contact your local Age Cymru. Joe found it tricky to adjust to retirement ... hard to motivate myself. Then one day I was reading my local paper and I saw an advert for a walking group. ‘It wasn’t easy turning up by myself but one of the regulars, Ron, made a real effort to introduce

  4. RB_Dec12_IA_for_Older_People_Evidence_Review_update.pdf

    services can be most effective when they are designed to target the specific needs of identified groups, such as older people. • Although written information can be sufficient for many older people ... local knowledge is essential for successfully targeting potential beneficiaries and harder-to-reach groups, for example black and minority ethnic elders and people living in isolated rural areas. • Although

  5. The Big Knit

    you to try. You can download these from below. Knit away - knit in front of the telly, or gather a group of friends and chat over the click-clack of needles. Send us your hats Pop your hats in the post to

  6. Board of Trustees

    His expertise was also sought outside of Wales and he became a member of the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Human Rights of Older People, provided evidence to the joint House of Lords and House of ... older people.  He has also been a member of the Commissioner for Older People’s Advisory Group and a field worker for her Review of Care Homes (2014). He also undertook an evaluation of an Enrichment

  7. RB_Aug16_Age_UK_Briefing_Bank_Branch_Closures.pdf

    where they are needed. An example of a successful Mobile Branch Banking service is provided by RBS Group (22 mobile branch routes in Scotland, 14 in England and Wales and one in Northern Ireland) which covers ... transactions, bill payments, account balances and cheque deposits. Over the past three years the RBS Group has expanded its fleet with 28 new vehicles which have features such as high visibility markings on

  8. CRS_Aug15_Dementia_Supporting_people_with_dementia_and_carers_in_health_social_care.pdf

    Example 3 55 The draft scope currently excludes people who have already been diagnosed. We feel this group should be included because…. 3 1 General General Age UK welcomes the opportunity to comment on the ... patchy throughout the country, and appropriate support is too often lacking (All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia, Building on the National Dementia Strategy: Change, progress and priorities, 2014). For

  9. Hospital care for people with dementia - April 2019.pdf

    Inquiry into Hospital Care for People Living with Dementia National Assembly for Wales Cross-Party Group on Dementia April 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives ... raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Cross-Party Group on Dementia’s inquiry into hospital care for people living with dementia. Hospital care One quarter

  10. HOPE Project external evaluation tender notice June 2020.pdf

    intervention support at community level through a range of advocacy models including; peer, volunteer, group and citizen for older people (50+) and carers across Wales. The HOPE project will:  Establish, ... how it can be accessed in Wales. The HOPE project outcomes: 1. Sustainable community based peer, group or citizen advocacy services exist across Wales for older people and carers in a co-produced way

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