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  1. CRS_Oct11_Strategic_Framework_for_Road_Safety.pdf

    highlight the following issues: • The framework makes the connection between the importance of car travel and independent living. This needs to be clearly stated as a foundation for road safety interventions ... reference to older drivers. Age UK welcomes the connection that is made to the importance of car travel and 3 independent living. This needs to be clearly stated as a foundation for road safety interventions

  2. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    Question 1, travel to hospital is widely recognised to be difficult for older people. Age UK’s ‘Painful Journeys’ campaign3 highlights the struggle that many older people endure when travelling to hospital ... regarding bus services is that people may be required to travel into town or city centres to access a bus transport hub, and they then have to travel back out of the city/town centres to reach their destination

  3. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    1 The year in numbers 02 Money matters 05 Health & wellbeing 09 Home & care 13 Travel & lifestyle 17 Work & learning 21 Closer to home 25 Around the world 29 ... older people for free. We formed a partnership with Silver Travel Advisor. The service provides Age UK enquirers with suggestions and travel tips. This year, our winter grants programme benefited 63,000

  4. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    departments should work together on planning policies and guidance affecting the ability of older people to travel to essential services and the obstacles they may encounter in getting to a bus stop or station in ... staff training. - The Government and train operators need to accept that achieving a ‘spontaneous’ travel service for older and disabled people requires an adequate level of staff on trains and at stations

  5. IG44.pdf

    visibility, potential tiredness, and dazzle from oncoming traffic. Think about whether you really need to travel at night, or if there are alternatives. If you do need to drive at night, one good tip is to keep ... additional restrictions on Blue Badge holders, so always check with the council in the area you’re travelling to. The scheme doesn’t apply in certain London boroughs, which offer their own parking concessions

  6. Survey Outline Covid 19 v4.pdf

    out, shopping, travel, help with gardening / house maintenance)  Seeing family / friends  Having a haircut  Podiatry, other similar appointments  Going out  Shopping  Travel  Help with gardening ... English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British  Irish  Gypsy or Irish Traveller  Any other White background Asian / Asian British  Indian  Pakistani  Bangladeshi

  7. FS61w.pdf

    visiting the dentist 15 6.2 When visiting the optician 16 6.3 When claiming for help with necessary travel costs 17 7 Useful organisations 19 8 Further information about Age Cymru 22 Factsheet 61w  July ... contact lenses.  Repayment of necessary travel costs to receive NHS treatment or diagnostic tests at a hospital, or an ‘equivalent establishment’. This includes travel required as a result of a referral by

  8. CRS_Feb12_Consultationresponse_Transport_CPF.pdf

    each year by any form of transport begins to declinei. Although travel by car as a passenger or driver is still the primary form of travel, the percentage of older people holding a driving license is lower ... consideration in the distribution of some public subsidy, for instance, bus service subsidy: Concessionary travel funding: national government provides funding for trips made using the national bus concession and

  9. Accessibility Action Plan - November 2017.pdf

    Information Requirement on local bus services throughout Great Britain, helping disabled passengers to travel by bus with confidence. We are supportive of Action 4 to make audio visual next stop announcement ... 2 Welsh Government (2014) Active Travel Action Plan. Consultation Document. 3 Age Cymru (2016) EnvisAGE. Towards an age friendly Wales

  10. RB_May13_bus_services_in_rural_areas.pdf

    friends and family, without making difficult financial choices. The concession allows older people to travel off-peak on buses anywhere in England for free. Eligibility is currently tied to State Pension age ... have been significant funding cuts to bus services, which seriously affect the convenience of bus travel for older people. The most recent report from the Campaign for Better Transport showed that 41 per

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