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  1. 15 Care home volunteer induction checklist.pdf

    Volunteering Induction Checklist Volunteer name………………………………………………………………………………………. Date started…………………………………………………………………………………………… Induction steps Responsibility Method: Documentation or onsite Volunteer trainer signature Date and time completed About the organisation • What kind of work is done and why • Team structure and management • Importance of volunteers The volunteer role •

  2. 16 Volunteer policy_care home exemplar.pdf

    [name of Care Home] Internal Document Details Document Number: Version: DRAFT Approval Date: TBD Date of Review: TBD Accountability: Volunteers and Staff Owner: [name of CEO/Head of Care Home] (CEO) ... Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2023 Author: [individual responsible for HR] (HR) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  3. Work for us

    Job vacancies for Age Cymru, the national charity for older people in Wales.

  4. Dertermining need for advocacy.pdf

    Determining need for advocacy

  5. Sheltered housing and extra-care housing

    emergency help through an alarm system communal areas, such as gardens or lounges social activities for residents. Features vary from scheme to scheme. At some schemes you get more support than others. If ... particular scheme, make sure you understand what is available and how it is paid for. Meals, help around the home and personal care services such as help with bathing are not usually provided. However, you can

  6. Find care and support at home

    Need help at home? You can get help with everything from personal care to home security - find out how and where to get assistance.

  7. Question Time Event - 23 March 2021

    of key issues affecting older people such as digital exclusion, accessing general practice, paying for care, supporting older carers, and helping older workers to return to the workplace.

  8. age friendly Wales

    goals to creating an age friendly Wales. Health care - supporting older people in Wales to treat and manage health conditions through effective health care services. Equality - giving older people in Wales ... get involved in community decision making, without being a victim of ageism. Social care - community and residential care services across Wales support older people to maximise quality of life. Community

  9. Dental services for older people

    As you get older it's even more important to take care of your teeth and gums. Find out more about dental care in our online guide.

  10. National organisations for older people

    national pensioners organisations and older people's groups. The aims of the Forum are: to work together for the benefit of all pensioners in Wales and to add equality, dignity and respect to ageing and enhance ... one. NPC Wales has affiliates from unions, retired member groups, and individuals who are concerned for the well being of pensioners. You can download a form to affiliate to NPC Wales as a group or as an

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