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  1. Survey Outline Covid 19 v4.pdf

    managed  negative  very negative C. Moving out of lockdown C1. What would help you to access any health or social care you need as we move out of lockdown? (information, hospital or GP appointment ... with gardening / house maintenance)  Seeing family / friends  Having a haircut  Podiatry, other similar appointments  Going out  Shopping  Travel  Help with gardening  House maintenance 

  2. Assist and Connect

    new people  Access to information, advice, guidance and other support Low level support around the house Feeling safe in the neighbourhood Managing personal affairs Support functional independence.  A key

  3. Warm Up Exercises.pdf

    Mobilisers – slow movements All of the following moves can be done in a standing or seated position. Fingers and thumbs  Finger to thumb o Press each finger to the thumb in turn, then reverse  Clench ... below shoulder height. Canoe arms Move the arms side to side as if paddling a canoe. Boxing arms Gently extend arms as if punching. Front crawl Make a front crawl move with alternate arms. Breaststroke

  4. Supporting good mental health in care homes

    consistently reported that major life events are a precipitating factor for most psychiatric disorders. Moving to live in a care home is a significant event in any person’s life, bringing them into a new

  5. What you can do if you are lonely, or care for someone who is

    change in their circumstances that could have caused their loneliness, such as: losing a loved one moving away from friends and family losing the social contact and enjoyment they used to get from work experiencing

  6. Staying safe online

    relative about it, especially if things seem to be moving fast. Never send the person money or give them your account details. Be careful if the person starts moving away from the chat room or dating site to communicating

  7. FS64.pdf

    Specialist housing for older people November 2023 About this factsheet This factsheet contains information about housing intended specifically for older people, such as sheltered and retirement housing. For ... specialist housing for sale, see factsheet 2, Buying retirement housing. For information about renting from local authorities and housing associations in England, see factsheet 8, Council and housing association

  8. Life on a low income

    is far from the stereotype of a generation who have done well out of a growing economy and rising house prices. Unfortunately, as the examples throughout the Live on a low income report show, poverty and

  9. The Big Knit

    click-clack of needles. Send us your hats Pop your hats in the post to us Age Cymru The Big Knit Mariners House Trident Court East Moors Road Cardiff, CF24 5TD Or find a local Age Cymru partner and drop your hats

  10. What to do when the weather's bad

    everything you need.  Check you've got enough medication and food in case it's harder to leave the house. A bottle of water could be handy if the water supply is interrupted. Have torches handy around

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