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  1. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    in three aged 95+. There are 40,000 people under 65 with dementia.13 • Mobility – 18 per cent of people aged 60–69 have a mobility difficulty, as do 38 per cent of those aged 70+. This compares to 12 per ... ask “is there a chair?”’ (Female, Derby) Shopping is often a social outing, and many people with mobility problems go shopping with a relative, friend or carer, and need a comfortable place to sit. ‘[When

  2. CRS_Oct11_Strategic_Framework_for_Road_Safety.pdf

    the measures set out in the action plan are workable and sufficient in relation to older people’s mobility. We would like to highlight the following issues: • The framework makes the connection between ... Age – not the end of the road. 2008 iii As above iv Box, Gandolfi and Mitchell. Maintaining Safe Mobility for the Ageing Population” RAC Foundation v Help the Aged, Old Age – not the end of the road. 2008

  3. Draft Planning Policy Wales - May 2018.pdf

    and which will be easier and less costly to adapt if people’s needs change, should they develop a mobility problem or disability in later life. The Welsh Government established an Expert Group on Housing ... transport can present significant physical problems for many older people. For older people with limited mobility, getting to the bus stop is a significant issue which is compounded by a lack of facilities at bus

  4. Transport policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    difficulties in negotiating the gap between the train and the platform edge. For older people with limited mobility, getting to the bus stop and on and off the bus are significant issues which are compounded by a ... practical form of independent transport for many older people, particularly for those who experience mobility problems and for carers. Continuing to drive may be crucial for older people to get out and about

  5. Age Cymru Physical Activity leaflet.pdf

    more efficiently • maintain a healthy weight • strengthen your muscles and bones • maintain your mobility and independence • you cope with everyday tasks • improve your strength and flexibility; this ... with worries • it can relax you and help you sleep better. Being active can help you maintain your mobility and independence, so you can do the things that you want to do and live life to the full. 76 How

  6. RB_March14_Living_with_frailty.pdf

    needed support with movement and used a frame to aid her mobility around the ground floor of her house, also described how she was previously more mobile and used to drive to visit her friends. She no longer ... installed. She wanted to stay in her own home. She could not articulate what had caused her loss of mobility or did not like to mention it. “I like it here. Not so easy since I got a bit, you know, not so

  7. RB_Dec17_Painful_Journeys_InDepth_Report.pdf

    operators can make it very difficult to plan a journey to hospital. For older people with restricted mobility or a disability who do not qualify for hospital transport, the journey can be lengthy, difficult ... A difficulty raised by the older people we’ve spoken to is the cost of transport for people with mobility problems who have not yet reached the qualifying age for a bus pass or do not qualify for a disabled

  8. Community Calculator - English.pdf

    Pavements obstructed with parked cars, bins and street furniture restricted access for wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Problems with dog fouling and litter were also highlighted. • 22.9% of respondents rated ... services, very limited access to public toilets, anti-social behaviour and hazards for people with mobility issues add to the number who feel isolated and lonely’ (Community Calculator respondent) 4 Introduction

  9. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking.pdf

    (Utah, USA) – preventing abuse through an age-friendly culture 26 Case Study 8: RBS and NatWest – mobile bank branches 28 Case Study 9: RBS and NatWest – accessible debit and savings cards 31 Case Study ... age, health or economic circumstance, nearly everyone needs to bank. However, hearing, vision and mobility issues often arise as people age and can make certain banking tasks such as reading statements,

  10. RB_June16_Age_UK_Discharge_From_Hospital_Briefing.pdf

    callers’ confidentiality. Mary Paul’s wife Mary, 85 years old, is in hospital. She has lost her mobility during her hospital stay. Yesterday the hospital told him Mary was ready for discharge today and ... Nobody has assessed what she will need to help her recover at home, whether she can regain her mobility, or what adaptations are available to help them manage. Paul was able to delay the discharge for

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