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  1. annual_review_2016_2017.pdf

    Age UK’s website 3 Title text Inroduction text Subheader text Body text Fact Body text Fact Body text ‘Body text’ Quote name 4 5 2.9m 2.9 million older people (65+) in Great Britain feel ... Award and now participates in and leads activities as wide ranging as sky diving and sailing! 15 ‘Body text’ Quote name 16 17 17 Bringing communities together Age UK and our national and local partners

  2. CRS_July17_CMA_Care_Homes_Market.pdf

    sustainable funding system, and clarity on the future direction of public policy. We hope that any Government consultation on care funding will also consider how reform could help to improve transparency and ... organisation. We also suggest creating a separate named ‘Social Care Ombudsman’ within the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, to give this function more visibility. 3 1. Introduction Age UK welcomes

  3. RB_June11_10_questions_for_the_local_public_sector.pdf

    older people flourish. Together with over 160 local Age UKs, we work alongside national and local government to provide services and campaign for a better later life. Changes to local public services, as ... people has improved local service design and delivery. Unfortunately, however, not all local public bodies have succeeded in engaging effectively with their older residents – only 30% of people over 65 feel

  4. IG03.pdf

    and when you’re ready to do so, you can call a funeral director of your choice who will move the body. If the death was natural and a medical certificate has been issued, it may be possible for the person ... medical certificate and formal notice (which explains how to register the death) will be issued. The body is usually moved to the hospital mortuary until the relatives arrange for it to be taken to the funeral

  5. Warm Up Exercises.pdf

    angle with the palms facing up. Open the hand and arm out to the side. Side twist Gently turn the body to one side keeping the hips still, then repeat to the other side. Side bend Lean over to one side ... bending the knees. Knees Standing heel to bottom Stand with the feet shoulder width apart and rock the body side to side while bringing the heel up towards the bottom at the back. Seated leg extending Sit

  6. Clare Lucas.pdf

    reviewed after 3 years & reviewed every 5 years Who is the Responsible Body? • If arrangements are mainly carried out in an NHS hospital, the “hospital manager” (eg the NHS trust) ... dayto-day care or providing any treatment Rights to an IMCA • Responsible body must appoint IMCA if: • there is no “appropriate person”, and • person has capacity to consent to

  7. FS27.pdf

    funerals 14 8 Organ and tissue donation 16 8.1 Donating organs for transplant 16 8.2 Donating your body for medical research 16 8.3 Donating tissue for medical research 17 Useful organisations 18 Age UK ... life-limiting illness and it feels the right thing to do ⚫ thinking about donating an organ or your body for medical research. You may want to look at Age UK guides IG03, When someone dies, IG31, Wills and

  8. CRS_June16_JCHR_inquiry_Business_and_Human_Rights_submission.pdf

    particular at the following issues:  What steps the Government takes to monitor compliance with the UN Guiding Principles  How far the Government is able to enforce the UN Guiding Principles  Whether ... 1.3 While welcome, these provisions continue to leave those whose care is funded by another public body such as the NHS or who are paying and arranging for their own care (so called self-funders) apparently

  9. Carers Survey report FINAL (v9).pdf

    across Wales. The survey is part of Age Cymru’s Older Carers Project which is funded via Welsh Government’s Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant. We work in partnership with Carers Trust Wales ... who have now moved to live in a care home. We will continue to work in partnership with the Welsh Government to address the concerns set out in this report. To find out more about the project and how to contact

  10. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    Golden Thread Advocacy Programme—Two years on—Where are we now? GTAP was funded in 2016 by Welsh Government to support the implementation of the advocacy element of the Social Services and Well-being Wales ... this piece of work by a Strategic Reference Group which is made up of representatives from Welsh Government, Health, WLGA, All Wales Adult Services Heads, member from GTAP Board, National Commissioning Board

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