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  1. Age Cymru response to 6th Senedd Health and Social Care priorities September 2021.pdf

    1 Age Cymru consultation response – 6 Senedd priorities for health and social care 17th September 2021 Q1. Which of the issues listed above do you think should be a priority, and why? Each area included ... considerable resourcing and attention in order to realise the improvements needed in health and social care over the term of the 6th Senedd. However, there are some specific details within these priorities

  2. Age Cymru evidence to Health and Social Care Commitee open ended consultation September 2022.pdf

    1 Response to the ‘Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and its management on health and social care in Wales’ consultation 8th September 2022 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve ... being assessed by social care for their needs, as well as further delays once the assessment has been completed in sourcing care packages. We are concerned that delays in getting care is having a significant

  3. Age Cymru written submission following oral evidence session on Care Home Commissioning.pdf

    Age Cymru written response following oral evidence session – Care Home Commissioning. 1. Whether, overall, Age Cymru is confident that the Welsh Government is moving in the right direction, and quickly ... longstanding issues affecting care home commissioning that the Auditor General has highlighted. Age Cymru believes that Welsh Government is moving in the right direction to address care home commissioning issues

  4. Care Home Visiting profile - English - amended Dec 2021.pdf

    This is an exciting role that has been designed to help care homes welcome visitors in line with Covid-19 rules. After a year in which visiting care homes has been significantly restricted because of Covid-19 ... opportunity will play a key role in supporting care homes as they welcome visitors and help facilitate residents' wellbeing. You could be: • Supporting the Care Home with arrangements to facilitate visiting

  5. Age Cymru response Bereavement Care in Wales 17th May 2021 .pdf

    Age Cymru consultation response - Bereavement Care in Wales 17th May 2021 1: Is it clear who this bereavement framework is for and why it has been developed? YES If the answer is no please tell us ... access to bereavement support and help to address the stigma of talking about dying and end of life care. Access to bereavement services is inconsistent across Wales and this position has been greatly

  6. Age Cymru response to Social Care Wales Draft Equality Plan September 2021.pdf

    1 Age Cymru consultation response -Social Care Wales Draft Equality Objectives for 2022 to 2027 13th September 2021 1. Do you agree with our approach to incorporate our anti discriminatory work in ... work within social care will need full consideration. Some survey respondents for the above report were older people working in health and social care and of these, a few held unpaid caring responsibilities

  7. Making relationships count

    A helpful guide for families, unpaid carers and care staff supporting a person moving to live in a care home

  8. CRS_Nov16_Managing_medicines_for_adults_receiving_social_care_in_the_community.pdf

    Managing medicines for adults receiving social care in the community Consultation on draft NICE Guideline [GID-MANAGINGMEDICINESCOMMUNITYSOCIALCARE] Ref: 3916 Date: November 2016 All rights ... The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is currently developing a guideline around the management of medicines for adults receiving social care in the community. Older people form a

  9. CRS_Jan17_CMA_Market_Study_of_Care_Homes_Statement_of_Scope.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Competition and Markets Authority market study of Care Homes Statement of Scope January 2017. Ref. 0117 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this ... London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation The CMA is carrying out a market study into care homes for older people, to review how well the market works and if people are treated fairly. This

  10. 14 Welcome to the care home team - optional template.pdf

    Welcome to our care home --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age Cymru is a registered charity ... East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2023 Welcome to the ----------------------------- Care Home Team! Who we are Key staff: Arrival and parking: Induction: we will guide you through the

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