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  1. Volunteer roles face to face.pdf

    of the Club or participants’ involvement Online Session Facilitator – Planning a programme of activities and involving the Online Session Supporter in the planning session – Facilitating the smooth running ... please complete our Volunteering Enquiry form. Session Facilitator: – To plan a programme of activities and ensure that the resources and equipment required are available. – Keep records up to date

  2. How are we doing?

    Comments, compliments and complaints can cover any aspect of the work of Age Cymru, including: any activity undertaken by Age Cymru any service provided by Age Cymru the conduct of any staff employed by or

  3. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    have unmet social care needs –roughly 31 per cent of older people with difficulty in carrying out activities of daily living (Age UK, 2014). This note explains how we arrived to an estimate of how much money ... When looking into unmet needs, we considered all the activities of daily living (ADL) – a classification of routine, everyday self-care activities such as eating or washing, which are widely-used to measure

  4. Alan Rumble

    becoming involved with volunteering? By helping older people become more physically and socially active you will be doing your bit to help reduce the pressure on the NHS – as well as improving your own

  5. Feeling well is not just about being physically fit and healthy - it's equally important to your overall health that you feel good mentally.

    alcohol-free. Keep active Research has shown that regular physical activity improves mood and increases the production of brain chemicals that make you feel happy. It’s never too late to get active. Find out more ... more about staying active   Our guide has further information:   Information Guide 56: Your mind matters - ideas and tips for emotional wellbeing For more information call Age Cymru Advice on

  6. Walking Groups

    and over easy terrain. They are open to everyone, but are especially aimed at those who are least active. Walking has many great benefits from strengthening your heart and lungs, strengthen your muscles

  7. English Manifesto.pdf

    authority do? Ensure an accessible and inclusive built environment that enables older people to take an active part in their communities. • Prioritise safe, walkable neighbourhoods with well-maintained pavements ... visit regularly. Bill is an active member of his local 50+ Forum and attends a weekly adult community learning course to improve his computer skills. Despite all his daily activities, when Bill goes home and

  8. Project 360 grant programme application and delivery guidelines.pdf

    served at least one day in any of the UK armed services, including national service, reservists or active in the merchant navy. Former armed forces personnel can have difficulties coping after leaving the ... funding to help Project 360° Age Alliance Wales partners maintain, expand or provide services and activities that improve the lives of military veterans aged 65 or over in Wales. This will be in response

  9. 13 Volunteer Risk Assessment example.pdf

    Care home name Description of role assessed Care home volunteer supporting engagement activities. Volunteers are not asked to carry out personal care services or staff duties. Volunteers will

  10. Sheltered housing and extra-care housing

    24-hour emergency help through an alarm system communal areas, such as gardens or lounges social activities for residents. Features vary from scheme to scheme. At some schemes you get more support than others

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