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  1. Sign up to the Priority Services Registers

    find your water supplier (Water UK) Hafren Dyfrdwy Emergencies (24 hours) - 0800 085 8033 Bills and payments - 0330 678 0679 Dŵr Cymru/Welsh Water 0800 052 0145 between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday and 9:00am

  2. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2022-23 ENGLISH.pdf

    After returning the coin, Mrs LL began receiving up to three calls a week from the company demanding payment of more than £600 or return of the coin. Mrs LL felt the company weren’t listening to her and they ... the liquidation. The advocate worked with the administrator to get a full breakdown of all the payments Mr BBB had made to the energy company and they were able to establish that nothing was owed. Mr

  3. Support for scam victims

    Unusual amounts of post or letters in their home Evidence of large cash withdrawals or multiple cheque payments Lack of money to pay for other things Lots of phone calls from strangers or companies. Some scam

  4. FS49.pdf

    to meet from a low income and includes: ⚫ Winter Fuel Payments ⚫ Cold Weather Payments ⚫ Funeral Expenses Payments. Advances of Benefit are payments that partially replaced the discretionary Social Fund ... Fuel Payments 3 1.1.1 The amount of Winter Fuel Payment 3 1.1.2 When and how to claim 4 1.2 Cold Weather Payments 5 1.3 Funeral Expenses Payment 5 1.3.1 What costs can a Funeral Expenses Payment cover

  5. FS43.pdf

    other areas. For example, if you have a dispute with your bank over your liability for credit card payments, you can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Although you do not have to use a solicitor ... capital. The rules are complex, with different limits. Legal Representation may be offered subject to payment of a contribution. It is common for a funding certificate to be limited to a certain amount of work

  6. FS41w.pdf

    4 of 68 11.2 Receiving care in a care home or nursing home 42 11.3 Direct payments – an alternative way to arrange services to meet your eligible care needs ... adaptations in Wales;  67w Home improvements and repairs for older people in Wales;  24w Direct payments for community care services in Wales;  76w Reablement, intermediate care and preventative services

  7. RB_June11_the_way_we_pay.pdf

    The Way We Pay Payment systems and financial inclusion About Age UK With more people needing our services than ever before, Age Concern and Help the Aged have joined forces, combining almost 120 years ... 1 Where are we now? 11 Summary of key findings 11 The UK literature review 11 The importance of payment systems 12 Potential barriers to financial inclusion 13 Older people and financial services 13 2

  8. Wales Against Scams Partnership

    You can visit the Action Fraud website  or call on 0300 123 20 40. If you have already made a payment in response to a scam, contact your bank straightaway . They may be able to recover some of your

  9. RB_Oct16_Autumn_Statement_2016.pdf

    For example, the proposal to apply the local housing allowance (LHA), which caps housing benefit payments, to supported housing from 2019/20 could further reduce the provision of sheltered housing, even ... services, yet there is real concern about the viability of local markets. In the ADASS 2016 Budget Survey 125 councils reported that at least one provider in their areas had ceased trading in the last 6 months

  10. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2016_2017.pdf

    in accrued grants payable. • £5.3 million reduction in long term creditors and provisions due to payment of restructuring provisions accrued in the prior year, and elimination of finance lease obligations ... affiliate of the HelpAge International global network of organisations focused on ageing. The network has 125 members in 77 countries. Age International is governed by a Board of eight Trustees, of which two are

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