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  1. Social Care Policy Statement November 2017.pdf

    plan reviews.  Different models of funding for lunch clubs should be explored by local authorities working with the third sector to allow these valuable community groups to be established on a sustainable ... available to those who need it.  The Welsh Government, the local authorities and other funders must work together and with third sector organisations to ensure that the preventative services they provide

  2. Spring 2024 - English.pdf

    highlight our new guide to creating older people’s forums. We’re also asking you, our readers, to do some work! We’ve just launched our annual survey for 2024 which is attached to this newsletter, and we’d really ... Spring edition 2024 regarding issues such as health and social care, finances, caring, transport and work. It’s also helped us to inform and influence key decision makers and helped shape our own policies

  3. Valuing Voices in Wales - English - October 2020.pdf

    overlooked. This report brings together findings from a survey, carried out in June 2020, of 72 advocates working across Wales. Advocates shared urgent concerns which reflect not only the restrictions that the pandemic ... advocacy. The sample size might appear small but it represents a significant number of advocates working across Wales who are in a unique position to identify weaknesses in systems and blanket abuses of

  4. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Eng.pdf

    of life in which change needs to be brought about to deliver an age friendly Wales. These include work, social inclusion, health and social care, financial inclusion, housing, communities and transport ... sets the scene with an overview of the age friendly movement and the development of age friendly work in Europe, the UK and Wales to date. The article features the World Health Organisation’s Global Network

  5. Survey.pdf

    Employed full-time  Employed part-time (working 30 hours or less)  Self-employed full-time  Self-employed part-time  Not in paid work  Doing voluntary work  Other (Please specify) ________ 9 Do ... activities. We’d like to contact you in the future about the project, keep you informed about our work and potentially contact you to gather more information. Can we contact you in the future about this

  6. IPA and IAA handout.docx

    Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) both have key roles in the new approach to care and support. Staff working in IAA services may need to refer some people to an IPA service. What process should be followed ... accessible and that appropriate assistance including advocacy is given.6  Thus front line staff working in IAA services have a critical role in ensuring that all individuals have access to independent

  7. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Summary.pdf

    for action to respond to the challenge of sight loss in an ageing society. We look forward to working with partners and colleagues across the voluntary, statutory and private sectors, as well as ... can provide support to navigate the system. Sight loss advisers, integrated care and partnership working can deliver seamless transitions between specialist and general services and personcentred packages

  8. CRS_Aug15_Pension_freedom_guidance_advice.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK evidence to Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry: Pension freedom guidance and advice 28 August 2015 Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock ... such as women on low incomes, and black and minority ethnic groups? We hope that the Government will work with Pension Wise and the pension industry to reach these groups. Take up 5. As of 31 July, 85,000

  9. RB_Sept10_short_term_protection_long_term_vision.pdf

    Spending Review reveals the extent of the cuts to local government spending. Many councils are already working hard, in anticipation of a severely reduced settlement, to make efficiency savings and re-align and ... and leadership from the top, and older people at the heart of decision-making. Local authorities, working with other local public sector bodies, companies, charities and community organisations, will need

  10. Blueprint for older people in Wales.pdf

    England, five local Age Cymru partners and Age Orkney. Together with our local Age Cymru partners, we work to improve the lives of older people by delivering trusted advice and support services. We campaign ... including carers and those living with disabilities or chronic conditions who are unable to continue working up to their State Pension Age. We are calling on the next UK Government to: • Commit to the Triple

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