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  1. RB_April11_Evidence_Review_Healthy_Ageing.pdf

    are social and community participation – many older people say the most important thing is to feel wanted and needed by others (Lee 2006). The IPPR and FAAF have plenty to say about volunteering. It is associated

  2. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    Guasp A, Stonewall (2011) Lesbian, gay & bisexual people in later life, Stonewall Gulland A (2009) Wanted : one gay care worker [direct payments made to older gay and lesbian service users], Community Care

  3. RB_March14_Age_and_productivity_briefing.pdf

    employees it seems likely there would be gains to productivity. 5.3 Flexible working Many older workers want to work flexibly for a variety of reasons, including meeting caring responsibilities, managing a health

  4. Community Calculator - English.pdf

    and the lack of public and community transport in the evenings, which was a barrier for people that wanted to take part in social activities. Age Cymru is calling for: • Welsh Government to work with local

  5. FS60w.pdf

    2024 37 of 39 Getting in touch If you want to talk to one of our expert advisers, in Welsh or English, call us on 0300 303 44 98. Our advice

  6. RB_Sept12_npi_Affordability_Of_Retirement_Housing_In_The_UK.pdf

    to determine to what extent it is a limiting factor. There are many reasons why older people don’t want to move, either at all, or specifically into retirement housing, and these reasons are important, ... retirement housing and still have enough income left over each week to maintain the standard of living I want and without drawing on my savings in a way that would cause concern or limit what I can do now or

  7. FS10w - June 2020.pdf

    temporarily away from a care home. You should always inform the social security office responsible if you want any of these benefits paid again. 10 A ‘Minimum Income Amount’ for people in care homes who are receiving ... to deal with your financial affairs and/or welfare decisions You may wish to consider how you would want your affairs dealt with, were you to lose the mental capacity to do this in the future.

  8. RB_Oct11_Delivering_The_Equality_Duty.pdf

    including older people, this is a very positive development, for others it may not be something that they want or are able to pursue because of the fl uctuating or emergency nature of their needs. Therefore, to

  9. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery - October 2020 ENG.pdf

    people who need to work. There is no support for these people to help obtain jobs…I have a voice and I want to be heard but no one is listening!!!!’ Female, aged 60-64, Caerphilly Some people told us that

  10. FS56.pdf

    forecasts and claiming your pension. Settled Organisation for EEA citizens wanting advice and support about the EU Settlement Scheme. Telephone 0330 223 5336 and select the language

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