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  1. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery - October 2020 ENG.pdf

    responded to the survey: The age ranged from 50 to 99, with 42% aged 70 or over, 66% are female and 33% are male, 26% are living with a disability, 3% described their ethnicity as Black, Asian, or Minority ... Pembrokeshire ‘The worst thing about lockdown has been the feeling of being abandoned because you are old.’ Female, aged 85-89, Swansea Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the first

  2. Information Advice and Advocacy Policy Statement - Mar 2015.pdf

    equality and social justice.”2 Advocacy services are essential to ensure that every older person has a voice and receives the support they need. Advocacy services are also vital in protecting people and preventing ... older people are in need of an advocate, it is of vital importance to ensure that the provision of services is sufficient to enable people to access an independent advocate when and where they need one

  3. Age Cymru response to Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Condiitons in Adults consultation response July 2021.pdf

    consider? Statistics for April 2021 show that of the 223,365 waiting nine months or more, 87,918 are for trauma and orthopaedics1. There has been an increase of 712% in patients waiting more than 36 weeks ... ones are experiencing as a result of increasing waiting times. Our recent report on older people’s experiences of the most recent lockdown highlights issues that older people and their carers are facing

  4. CRS_Dec13_Reshaping_workplace_pensions_future_generations.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... older people flourish. Our mission is to improve the lives of older people, wherever they live. We are a registered charity in the United Kingdom, formed in April 2010 as the new force combining Help the

  5. RB_April17_Behind_the_Headlines_ hours_worked.pdf

    Introduction It has been well-documented in recent years that the number of people aged 50 and over who are in work has increased, both overall and as a proportion of the total labour force.i This briefing ... employment rates have increased for both men and women at all ages explored (from 45-64), many people are in fact working fewer hours, which will have an impact on their earnings and potential to save for

  6. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_homeless_people.pdf

    People due to be released from institutions (prisons and hospitals) who are at risk of homelessness due to support needs, and people who are unable to move on from institutions due to a lack of ‘move on’ housing ... accepted by researchers that ‘older’, in the context of homeless people means those who are aged 50/55 and over.2 There are three main approaches to assessing the number of homeless people in the United Kingdom:

  7. Age Cymru response to Welsh Govt plans for planned care recovery and reducing waiting lists June 2022.pdf

    times. As we have previously advised on these issues, older people are predominantly those most affected by delays in this area. We are very pleased to see that the plan for transforming and modernising ... Few time frames are included in the plan on when milestones will be reached. The plan includes that these will be developed for sub specialities but it would be helpful to see how these are developed. We

  8. Trustee recruitment pack 2023.pdf

    Cymru trustee. Age Cymru wish to recruit trustees to join our passionate and highly skilled board. We are particularly interested to hear from people with fundraising expertise, those living in north and mid ... staggeringly. Pensioner poverty is a reality in Wales in both urban and rural areas. Many older people are forced to do without the basics to make ends meet. We believe everyone has a right to a fulfilling

  9. RB_Aug14_Living_life_with_dementia.pdf

    Hertfordshire 14 2 ‘I am treated with dignity and respect. Those around me and looking after me are well supported.’ 16 2.1 Dementia Day Care Centres – Age UK Blackburn and Darwen 17 2.2 Dementia Support ... in partnership with other organisations • quotes older people living with dementia and carers who are using these services, bringing to life the ways in which policy can be translated into positive, practical

  10. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    2 3 These are the moments that made our year... We are proud of our many achievements this year, both in the UK and around the world. The moments we describe tell the story of our work, and the work ... show how Age UK helps people to love later life. Our vital work is shaped by five ambitions which are driven by the priorities that people in later life tell us matter to them – money, wellbeing, health

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