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  1. CRS_Feb16_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK’s evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Inquiry on Intergenerational Fairness February 2016 ... In 2014-15 nearly 5.7million people came to Age UK and our local partners for information and advice on a range of issues to do with later life. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland.

  2. RB_Nov17_community_transport.pdf

    2017 Dear Ms Greenwood, AGE UK WRITTEN EVIDENCE: COMMUNITY TRANSPORT INQUIRY I am writing to you on behalf of Age UK, [Age Cymru, Age Scotland and Age NI] in response to the Government’s recent proposals ... services. Every year, over 23 million community transport journeysi take place. People in the UK rely on community transport services to access healthcareii, educationiii, employmentiv and leisure. The overwhelming

  3. CRS_July17_CMA_Care_Homes_Market.pdf

    paper, to review how well the market works and if people are treated fairly. They have invited views on the update paper they published in June 2017, setting out findings so far, their future focus and possible ... We urgently need a sustainable funding system, and clarity on the future direction of public policy. We hope that any Government consultation on care funding will also consider how reform could help to improve

  4. GCBH_Brain-Social-Connectedness.pdf

    SM The Brain and Social Connectedness: GCBH Recommendations on Social Engagement and Brain Health The Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) is an independent collaborative of scientists, health professionals ... from around the world working in areas of brain health related to human cognition. The GCBH focuses on brain health relating to people’s ability to think and reason as they age, including aspects of memory

  5. RB_April17_Behind_the_Headlines_ hours_worked.pdf

    older workers have increased since the 2008 recession, the flip side is that the number of hours worked on average has declined since then. However, the 2008 recession is not the cause of this – it is a longer-term ... is more to recent labour market changes for older workers than often reported, and has obvious knock-on consequences for income and pension saving.  For men, there has been a decline in hours worked for

  6. Covid Survey Report - English final.pdf

    in local community as lockdown eases 23 2 Experiences of Covid Survey Results May 2021 Part One: About this research During March and April 2021 Age Cymru, Cymru Older People’s Alliance (COPA), Welsh ... aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter lockdown and to understand the perspectives of older people on recovery. The survey was completed by 1216 older people. Ages ranged from 50 to 94 and 26% of respondents

  7. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery- May 2021.pdf

    in local community as lockdown eases 23 2 Experiences of Covid Survey Results May 2021 Part One: About this research During March and April 2021 Age Cymru, Cymru Older People’s Alliance (COPA), Welsh ... aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter lockdown and to understand the perspectives of older people on recovery. The survey was completed by 1216 older people. Ages ranged from 50 to 94 and 26% of respondents

  8. Summer Leaflet v4.pdf

    by surprise, so keep a check on the weather forecast. The Meteorological Office (Met Office) has a warning system if a heatwave is likely. Listen out for heatwave warnings on the television or the radio ... areas not covered by clothes, half an hour before going out into the sun. o Reapply at least every one and a half to two hours and, if you’ve been in water or sweating, dry yourself off and reapply. o Apply

  9. RB_Dec15_Later_life_in_a_digital_world.pdf

    some are starting to feel disadvantaged in an increasingly digital world. In this report our focus is on access to public services although many of the issues raised also apply to essential private services ... We have also commissioned research and invited views about later life in a digital world, drawing on the experiences of internet users, non-users and service providers. We are would like to thank the

  10. CRS_May17_Intermediate_care_including_reablement.pdf

    Intermediate care including reablement Consultation on NICE Guideline (SCWAVE0709) Ref: 1417 Date: May 2017 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for ... 2 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is currently developing a guideline on ‘Intermediate care and reablement’. Intermediate care is split into several areas and this guideline

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