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  1. Valuing Voices in Wales - English - October 2020.pdf

    their deprivation of the liberty remains unchanged. In order to challenge their detention, many people will need the support of an advocate. “Due to restricted contact I am aware that some individuals have ... may need additional support to use digital communication tools. For some individuals remote contact will not ensure the privacy and confidentiality required and a face-to-face visit is the only option that

  2. 1 Welcome pack for care home - volunteer guidance doc (1).pdf

    Port Talbot SA12 7BJ The role of volunteers and what they’ll be doing The volunteer’s role will solely be to have conversations with residents and to help in the facilitation of activities which ... which could again help to create conversation amongst your residents. Please note that volunteers will not be helping with resident’s personal care. ------------------------------------------

  3. CRS_April13_Practice_on_Settlement_Agreements.pdf

    proposals for the establishment of settlement agreements, which will be used as a means of ending employment relationships. The agreements will allow employers and employees to negotitate the terms of exit ... statutory Code of practice. Key points and recommendations • We are concerned that some employers will use settlement agreements as a means of forcing older workers to leave their organisation because

  4. CRS_Oct10_phasing_out_the_DRA.pdf

    announcement of 29 July 2010 that they intend to abolish the Default Retirement Age, examining how this will be achieved and what measures are needed in its absence. The consultation document poses five main ... through which an employer can force an employee to retire) • How age discrimination and unfair dismissal will operate in the absence of Schedule 6. • Discussions on retirement plans between an employer and employee

  5. FS92.pdf

    you both reach State Pension age. From 6 May 2026, State Pension age starts increasing again and will reach 67 years by 6 March 2028 (affecting anyone born between 6 April 1960 and 5 April 1977). If you ... element. 2.4.2 Managed migration If you do not transfer to UC due to a change of circumstance, you will be part of the ‘managed migration’ process between now and 2029. You receive a letter, called a migration

  6. Age Cymru - Older people in Wales - facts and statistics 2021.pdf

    projected to increase by 29.3% to 378,100 between 2018 and 2028  By 2030, it is projected that there will be over 1,008,000 older people in Wales – 33% of the total population.9 5 Life expectancy ... than 700 older people in Wales will die from a fall, with a further 7,750 requiring hospital-based treatment. It also predicts that more than 132,000 older people in Wales will fall more than once in their

  7. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    Cymru consultation response – LGBTQ+ Action Plan October 2021 1. Do you think the Action Plan will increase equality for LGBTQ+ people and what do you think the priorities should be? Age Cymru welcomes ... equality for LGBTQ+ people in Wales. It would be helpful if further detail were included on how actions will be achieved. We welcome the intersectional approach of the plan in recognition of how discrimination

  8. 17012023 - Duty of Quality - Age Cymru response.pdf

    the guidance sufficiently clear on the governance structures needed? - Yes 2 Question 4 Will this governance structure support NHS bodies to comply with the duty? - Yes Question 5 Does the ... directly providing these services. However, it is unclear how the management of external providers will be held to account for the quality of their services. It is important that whether they are in receipt

  9. CRS_Jan12_rural_policy_functions.pdf

    assessment, taking into account social impact, needs to be undertaken. o Building capacity in communities will require initial and sustained investment in existing and new voluntary and community organisations ... rural issues to be directly heard by central Government. There needs to be reassurance that Defra will be in a position to hold other government departments and local authorities to account to make sure

  10. CRS_Nov16_transforming_our_justice_system.pdf

    hearings The paper states that more tribunal decisions will be made ‘on the papers’ and, where cases are ‘relatively straightforward and routine’, they will generally be made based on representations made online ... online. If it is felt that a judge needs to listen to the arguments, there will be more virtual hearings by telephone or video conference. We are concerned about the impact of these proposals and we are

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