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  1. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_homeless_people.pdf

    Exclusion (ETHOS) provides a useful framework within which to consider homelessness.1 ETHOS sees a home as having three domains – an adequate living space which is accessible only to the household who live ... accommodation for immigrants People due to be released from institutions (prisons and hospitals) who are at risk of homelessness due to support needs, and people who are unable to move on from institutions due

  2. Strategy for an Ageing Society - March 2021.pdf

    to telephone based only and many older people themselves shielding through the crisis, the faceto-face work that might normally pick up evidence of abuse has not been happening. The abuse may have started ... in delivery of services through digital means can be realised, this must not be at the expense of good quality face-to-face services where they are needed. While we have seen increasing numbers of older

  3. Valuing Voices in Wales - English - October 2020.pdf

    Page | 2 Executive Summary People who face discrimination are at the sharp end of inequality and poverty. The Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has brought ... did we find? People’s needs are not being met or assessed and people’s statutory and human rights are at risk, despite legal obligations on local authorities being unchanged. Eighty-five percent (85%)

  4. CRS_March15_Care_Act_guidance.pdf

    for savings or investment products. Unfortunately, many people will also still need to sell their home to pay for care fees.  An immediate way to ensure that the cap and metering system benefit more people ... not be standard practice where there is no cheaper alternative that meets eligible needs; o A care home resident has the continued right to spend their savings or capital as they wish; o Everyone, regardless

  5. CRS_Dec14_Health_select_committee_inquiry_end_of_life_care.pdf

    are dealt with in inappropriate ways, often resulting in dying in hospital or short stay in a care home. 1.3. A failure to understand multi-morbidity and frailty and the trajectory of people’s health living ... training in end of life care remains poor. Geriatricians can deliver a wide range of care to people at the end of life, yet are not always included in considerations around commissioning end of life care

  6. Campaigner pack - wales.pdf

    ............................................................................ 2 What you can do to help ...................................................................................... 3 Writing to ... needs because of disability or illness, and/or who live in energy inefficient homes which cost a lot of money to heat, estimated at 200,000 people. • Between 70,000 to 80,000 pensioners in Wales who don’t receive

  7. RB_Sept17_Age_UK_Budget_Representation.pdf

    Government should publish proposals by early 2018 at the latest for placing social care on a sustainable financial footing. These must go beyond 'a cap' set at a generous level to benefit future recipients ... lump sums to ensure that, if PAYE is not operated, only basic rate tax is deducted at source.  Improving outcomes at retirement: to maximise the benefits of the ‘freedom and choice’ reforms, HM Treasury

  8. FS2.pdf

    Specialist housing for older people. Information on the process of buying a home, including how to find an estate agent or solicitor and help with moving, is in information guide 8, Housing options. The information ... Ireland, please contact Age Scotland or Age NI for further information. Contact details can be found at the back. Contact details for any organisation mentioned in this factsheet can be found in the Useful

  9. Social care funding policy statement.pdf

    access to personal care free at the point of delivery. Age Cymru’s longstanding view is that a far more equitable system would be to ensure that care services are provided free at the point of use in the same ... same way as NHS services. This would ensure that care is available to everyone at their time of need and spread the cost of care services across the generations, instead of the cost simply falling on those

  10. CRS_June16_pr_public_financial_guidance_review.pdf

    financial capability assistance that are independent of the industry. Industry initiatives may be a helpful supplement but there is no guarantee of quality or independence  TPAS is widely regarded as a valued ... guidance and advice journey to help people prepare for later life and then make best use of their assets throughout, including (a) a mid-life career review at about age 50; (b) at-retirement pensions guidance;

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