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  1. CRS_Oct11_Strategic_Framework_for_Road_Safety.pdf

    new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged. We are a national charity and social enterprise working to transform later life in the UK and overseas. Our vision is of a world in which older people flourish ... which helps them to drive more safely. The government should set out more clearly how they plan to work with the voluntary sector and training industry to deliver training schemes. • The government could

  2. Age Cymru response to Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Condiitons in Adults consultation response July 2021.pdf

    aged 55-64; 58.9% for those aged 65-74; and to 62.8% for those aged 75-84.3 Older people have told us of the extreme difficulties they and their loved ones are experiencing as a result of increasing waiting ... people have told of the stress of waiting and not knowing when treatment is going to start. They told us of how they are unable to sleep due to pain, some have been forced to access private services rather

  3. Policy Publications

    Age Cymru's Policy and Public Affairs team has produced a range of publications about the issues affecting older people in Wales.

  4. Watch our TV ad

    Watch our TV ad to see how we're creating an age friendly Wales.

  5. Domestic abuse

    Describes what constitutes domestic abuse

  6. FS74.pdf

    to May 2025. Contact details for any organisation mentioned in this factsheet can be found in the Useful organisations section. Age UK factsheet June 2024 Challenging welfare benefit decisions Page 2 ... of 22 Useful organisations 18 Age UK 21 Support our work 21 Glossary AA – Attendance Allowance ADP – Adult Disability Payment Scotland DLA – Disability Living Allowance DWP – Department for Work and Pensions

  7. RB_Oct10_Invisible_But_Invaluable_Report.pdf

    supplemented by informal carers, usually a relative. When cuts take place, informal carers are forced to work harder, often sacrificing their own health and well-being and their own activity and identity as ... caring rewarding and an expression of their relationship with the cared-for person, they also told us that they felt invisible and undervalued. Many were stressed and exhausted. Introduction Older Carers

  8. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    public health, with a likely impact on mortality.7 The higher prevalence of smoking, alcohol use and drug use and the lower uptake of screening programmes are likely to contribute to an increased risk of ... than heterosexuals to have consulted a mental health professional, deliberately harmed themselves or used recreational drugs, and that lesbians consume Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review 2016 6 more

  9. Health improvement and prevention policy statement - Jan 2016.pdf

    different groups must be monitored and action should be taken to increase the reach of those that under-use the services, including those above the age for routine invitation. We believe there should be a review ... support as appropriate and is thus well overdue • The Welsh Government should continue to expand the use of community pharmacies to promote public health messages and fully integrate community pharmacies

  10. CRS_Oct15_Refreshing_Public_health_outcomes_framework.pdf

    healthy life expectancy are not keeping pace with increases in life expectancy, meaning that more of us spend more years living with long-term health conditions and disability in later life. Poor health ... the life course, including in older age, to ensure we stay well and healthy for longer. Age UK is working to challenge ongoing perceptions that older age automatically means poor health and higher needs

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