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  1. RB_Oct16_Ageing_in_squalor_and_distress_report.pdf

    older private tenants and those who support and care for them, to ask how well private renting really works for older people and what needs to change if the sector is to achieve a better fit with older people’s ... provide information and advice for older people, their friends, relatives, carers and organisations working for and on behalf of older people. Getting an overview of the experiences of older tenants is difficult

  2. FS5w.pdf

    scale and polish.  Permanent fillings.  Extractions of teeth.  Oral surgery – including root canal work, or the surgical removal of a cyst.  Band 3 = £260.00 This charge includes:  Crowns or bridges ... 12 months, your dentist should carry out any work needed to repair or replace it free of charge. You should return to the NHS dentist who did the original work” (emphasis added). “Repairs to dentures are

  3. CRS_June15_Response_to_Freedom_to_Speak_Up_Review.pdf

    that enabling and empowering NHS staff to speak up about concerns around safety and care practices at work is a key element of securing patient safety. We welcome the ambition in the Review to foster a culture ... culture of openness and commitment to safety and improvement, which is a central part of the work that we have undertaken through the Dignity Commission, jointly with the NHS Confederation and the Local

  4. RB_July15_AgeUK_survey_attitudes_to_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    findings support Age UK’s view that for the secondary annuity market to be considered a success it must work for the lower-income group of consumers. The government and regulators must ensure that people with ... regulators as this new market develops. Working status People still in work are more likely to consider cashing in their income - seven per cent of those still working compared to three per cent of those already

  5. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales E WEB.pdf

    which change needs to be brought about to deliver an age friendly Wales. They cover areas such as work, social inclusion, housing and transport – all of which currently present a range of barriers that ... individuals can work together to help Wales become a beacon within the UK and Europe: demonstrating best practice in how it responds to the opportunities and challenges of an ageing population and works to ensure

  6. CRS_Dec13_FCA_Cash_savings_market_study.pdf

    evidence and views on the cash savings market study to see whether competition in this market is working well for consumers. The study will examine competition in the market and any obstacles to consumers ... segment of the UK population is the oldest old (those aged 85+). Older people, who are no longer working, on a fixed income and with modest savings, are particularly vulnerable to a market which penalises

  7. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2022.pdf

    A range of regional advocacy provider networks have been developed across Wales to complement the work of the National Network for Adults Advocacy in Wales. The networks are an opportunity ... Loneliness, isolation and to an extent feeling without help have been a running theme through the work of both projects during and after the pandemic and the easing of lockdown measures. We looked at

  8. RB_Feb16_Older_people_and_power_loss_floods_and_storms.pdf

    risk. The nightmare scenario is an older person alone and cut-off in a crisis – this is what we must work to avoid. The Government recognises that our changing climate poses a growing threat to particular ... Executive summary 5 Recommendations 1. Join up essential services better • The energy industry should work towards a ‘tell us once’ system in which suppliers and network operators share customer vulnerability

  9. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_Offenders.pdf

    ‘dedicated 8 Nacro (2009) A Resource Pack for Working with Older Prisoners 9 Age UK (2011) Supporting older people in prison: ideas for practice 10 Rikard ... York: American Civil Liberties Union Atkinson L (2008) Old and inside: older people in prison, Working with Older People 12 (3) : 34-37 Barak Y, Perry T and Elizur A (1995) Elderly criminals: a study

  10. Age Cymru response to Senedd consultation on hospital discharge January 2022.pdf

    or have their voices heard to empower them. We provide nonstatutory advocacy and that allows us to work with a broad range of advocacy needs. The projects have been managed and delivered by Age Cymru during ... avoided if the right people with the right knowledge are involved in discharge planning. Through our work with people living with dementia there is a consistent theme of family members and people with Lasting

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