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  1. Covid Survey Report - English final.pdf

    support for those that need it and those that want it. Experiences of Covid Survey Results May 2021 11 I am uncomfortable with telephone appointments and clam up. I understand the necessity during the pandemic

  2. IG10.pdf

    with debts, giving free, impartial advice and support. Tel: 0808 808 4000. 11 National Insurance contributions office. Government office that can provide information on your National

  3. IG15.pdf

    possible to experience symptoms of both stress and urge incontinence – this is called mixed incontinence. 11 Urinary retention Urinary retention is when the bladder doesn’t empty completely. Pee builds up and

  4. IG31.pdf

    already have an idea of which would suit you best, but it’s a good idea to look at all your options. 11 Lawyers. When you’re writing a will, it’s best to get advice from a lawyer who specialises in wills

  5. RB_June13_Problem_debt_among_older_people.pdf

    difficulties in meeting payments, but this was not possible due to issues with the data and missing variables. 11 Using our definition, it can be seen from Figure 4 below that the proportion of people aged 50 and

  6. Commissioning IPA Framework Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    ar hyd eu hoes, wrth iddynt ddod ar draws gwahanol gyfnodau bywyd a newidiadau mewn amgylchiadau. 11 Ffigur 1: Sbectrwm Eiriolaeth Ffynhonnell: Rhaglen Eiriolaeth Edau Euraidd Hunan-eiriolaeth pryd bynnag

  7. Social Care Policy Statement November 2017.pdf

    5 Code of Practice (Charging and Financial Assessment), Welsh Government (version 2 – April 2017) 11 ups and are simply passing the additional payment requirements to relatives without their prior agreement

  8. annual_review_2011_2012.pdf

    of 413 corporate volunteers. 55,000 older people were reached during our annual Falls Awareness Week 11 Money matters Home & care Travel & lifestyle Work & learning Closer to home Around the world Financial

  9. CRS_June16_pr_public_financial_guidance_review.pdf

    capacity in the sector; and (ii) supporting truly innovative projects and accepting that some of them 11 may fail. It is difficult to be genuinely innovative if there is no tolerance for projects which

  10. CRS_June14_Freedom_choice_in_pensions.pdf

    examining whether pensions not yet in payment can be protected from creditors to some extent. We also 11 believe that use of pension savings will not be a sustainable solution to the problem of shortfalls

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