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  1. FS24w.pdf

    Government regulations and guidance on direct payments specifically 7 3 What are direct payments? 8 4 Background information on eligibility criteria and charging procedures for ... local authorities 11 5 Do local authorities have to offer direct payments? 13 6 Who can have a direct payment? 14 6.1 Current eligibility 14 6.2 Welsh Government plans to extend the availability

  2. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_140316.pdf

    Housing; Jean Hewitt, Habinteg; Jenny Allen, National Housing Federation; Ellen Lebethe, Lambeth Pensioners Action Group. Apologies: Nusrat Ghani MP, Eleanor Laing MP, Dave Anderson MP, Baroness Gardner ... lived in by those over the age of 55yrs, most are owner occupiers (76%) and that there was a myth that all pensioners were well off. She went on to say that 2 million older people were living in non-decent

  3. CRS_May14_Smith_Institute_Making_Work_Better.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. This is Age UK’s response to the Smith Institute’s Making Work Better Inquiry. The inquiry aims to identify what can be done by different parties to improve job

  4. FS67.pdf

    safety if you’re a homeowner 17 6.1 Gas safety checks 17 6.2 Electrical safety 18 6.3 Fire safety 18 6.4 Carbon Monoxide alarms 19 7 Rights to repairs and/or improvements if you are a ... contract-holder (i.e. you rent your home) 20 7.1 Rights to repairs if you have a private landlord 21 7.2 Rights to repairs if you have a community landlord (local authority or housing association

  5. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    Noble. Citizen’s Online (Get IT Together Kirklees)  Rich Avison, Lincs Training We would like to say a particular thank you to the 36 individuals that took part in an interview with us, not only for giving ... /used one of three different types of online courses, namely:  An Age UK course  A UK Online Centre course  A course through another provider The face-to-face depth interviews were carried out between

  6. RB_June11_job_blocking_briefing.pdf

    1 Older workers and ‘job blocking’ 1. The ‘lump of labour fallacy’ There is an ongoing assumption that older workers prevent younger people from entering the labour force and progressing their careers ... circumstances this may seem intuitive, there is actually no evidence to reinforce this view. The idea that older workers are crowding younger workers out of the labour market is one derivation of the ‘lump of labour

  7. are_you_listening_interactive.pdf

    A booklet produced for statutory bodies on the effective engagement of older people Are you listening? Acknowledgements This booklet has been produced in partnership between Age UK, South East Network ... forums and networks. Age UK, the new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged, helps people enjoy a better later life – here and in 40 other countries – by providing life-enhancing services and vital

  8. FS5w.pdf

    2 of 26 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 3 2 Finding a dentist who offers NHS treatment 3 3 Dental check-ups and treatment plans 3 3.1 Check-ups 3 3.2 Frequency ... treatment 11 7.2 What you will receive as part of urgent or out-of-hours treatment 12 7.3 How to access urgent or out-of-hours treatment 12 7.4 If a tooth has been

  9. Later_Life_UK_factsheet.pdf

    November 2017 Later Life in the United Kingdom December 2017 This factsheet, which is updated on a monthly basis, is the most up-to-date source of publicly available, general information on people in later ... figures for the whole UK are quoted. For ease of reading and unless otherwise stated, the term “older” is used here for people aged 65 and over. If you have any queries or comments, please contact stats@ageuk

  10. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    January 2021 Happy New Year to you all HOPE project news Staffing update The HOPE project has seen a couple of organisational changes recently. Deiniol Jones who started with the project as the Volunteer ... two roles have been filled and we welcome Briony and Janet. Our HOPE team is now complete and consists of fifteen members. A word from our team Rachael Wellings and Sian Hughes are our Project Officers

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