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  1. CRS_Jan15_Draft_Flood_Risk_Management_Plans.pdf

    Consultation Response Ref 0215 Draft Flood Risk Management Plans January 2015 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Phil Mawhinney Age UK Tavis House 1-6

  2. Autumn_Budget_2017_briefing.pdf

    1 Briefing: November 2017 Budget 22 November 2017 Contact: 2 The Autumn Budget on 22 November was notable mainly for what it did not say, and in particular neither social care nor pensioners received a mention. However, our policy experts have been through the detailed papers, and the parts relevant to older people are summarised in this paper. You can

  3. The future of social care in Wales - February 2019.pdf

    1 Consultation response The future of social care in Wales Plaid Cymru Care Commission February 2019 Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a

  4. RISCA advocacy services - August 2018.pdf

    1 CONSULTATION RESPONSE REGULATION AND INSPECTION OF SOCIAL CARE (WALES) ACT 2016: PHASE 3 IMPLEMENTATION – REGULATED ADVOCACY SERVICES AUGUST 2018 Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity

  5. Income and Finances policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Income and Finances January 2018 Summary All older people should enjoy an adequate standard of living and a level of income which enables them to live comfortably and afford essentials. No one should have to endure a calamitous reduction in their standard of living when they retire. However, currently 112,000 older people in Wales are estimated to live

  6. Carers inquiry - October 2018.pdf

    1 Consultation response Impact of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 in relation to carers Welsh Assembly August 2018 Introduction 1. Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity

  7. Community Calculator - English.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Key findings of the Community Calculator March 2020 The Community Calculator Table of contents Page Executive summary 1 Introduction 4 Survey methods 5 Results • Local services 6 • Public transport 7 • Public seating and places to rest 8 • Public toilets 9 • Pavements 10 • Neighbourhood safety 11 • Places to meet 12 • Information and advice 13 • Health and

  8. Advocacy Newsletter March Welsh 2020.pdf

    Cylchlythyr Eiriolaeth Diolch a hwyl fawr oddi wrth GTAP Ers mis Ebrill 2016 mae’r Rhaglen Edau Euraidd (GTAP), a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, wedi bod yn gweithio gydag ystod eang o randdeiliaid ledled Cymru i gefnogi comisiynu eiriolaeth broffesiynol annibynnol o dan Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014, i feithrin gallu’r sector eiriolaeth a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o

  9. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review 2016 1 Diversity in older age – Disability Older disabled people Background: the meaning and prevalence of disability in older age The ability or difficulty experienced in performing Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are widely used as a measure of disability for older people covering personal care such as being able to bathe, dress, mobility and

  10. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    Advocacy Newsletter Issue No 4 March 2022 HOPE Project news HOPE Quality Performance Mark Age Cymru has been awarded the Advocacy Quality Performance Mark (QPM) from the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) for the work it delivers through projects such as HOPE and Dementia Advocacy. The QPM is the UK’s only independent quality performance mark for organisations like Age Cymru

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