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  1. Phone scams

    transferring your money to a ‘safe account’ to protect it, which can lead to loss of money. The caller will often sound professional and try to convince you that your card has been cloned or that your money ... helpdesk of a well-known IT firm, such as Microsoft. They’ll tell you that your computer has a virus and will charge you to upload ‘anti-virus software’. This turns out to be spyware, which is used to get your

  2. The Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: Age Cymru welcomes the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report

    are not. They have to demonstrate their mobility problems to qualify. We hope that Welsh Government will now put an end to this inequitable situation. Lack of consistency in applying the eligibility criteria ... Committee agrees with us that, for people who have permanent conditions which are unlikely to improve or will deteriorate, it does not make sense to conduct a re-assessment. We are glad that the Committee highlighted

  3. CRS_March14_Banking_Standards_Review.pdf

    slow movers but is able to pursue its high aspirations  In the medium to longer term credibility will rest on results rather than structure of the new organisation, the focus should therefore be on setting ... put off from using it. We hope that the new organisation proposed by the Banking Standards Review will help to make it common practice for the industry to understand the needs of all customer groups and

  4. CRS_Sept16_UPR-submission.pdf

    Bill of Rights. The newly appointed Justice Secretary said in September 2016 that her department will consult fully on the proposals when they are published, although no timetable has been provided at ... over a 4-year period. BMJ Open 2016 4 R (Tracey) v Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust & Ors [2014] EWCA Civ 822 5 End of Life Care Audit – Dying in Hospital: National report for England

  5. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    can be done about it. We based this evidence review on the premise that people working for Age UK will need to have clarity on the basic concepts of dementia and cognitive ageing, either in their work ... all have nearly a 50/50 chance of knowing someone with dementia, yet individually two thirds of us will never get dementia. Dementia diseases primarily affect our brains, and the brain has been called ‘the

  6. EnvisAGE_2019_english.pdf

    “Control – to try and retain control of my life for as long as I possibly can.” “We cannot see what will happen in the future, whether this is losing your mobility which would make you more vulnerable and ... must support persons with disabilities in exercising their legal capacity; this may be through a trusted person or a network of people. The overriding principle is that the decision maker should be the

  7. Attendance Allowance

    may need extra help to stay independent at home, due to an illness or disability. To be eligible you will have to be over State Pension age (as of April 2021, this is 66 for both men and women). If you’re ... for that visit by writing things down that you would want the doctor to know about. Step seven You will get a letter with the decision on whether or not you’ll get Attendance Allowance, how much, and from

  8. Power of Attorney

    decision you need to make, why you need to make it, and the likely outcome of your decision. Some people will be able to make decisions about some things but not others. For example, they may be able to decide ... themselves. However, if there does come a time when you’re unable to make your own decisions, you will have lost mental capacity and someone else may need to make decisions for you. These could be decisions

  9. RB_Sept16_Attendance_Allownace_ survey_report.pdf

    other health-related services Many of those completing our survey will be receiving informal support from friends and relatives and some will be paying for services. Around 40 people gave comments about 6 ... saved towards a stair-lift/mobility scooter. (Male 70-79) I am saving for extra expensive equipment I will need in the near future e.g. electric scooter to get around more. (Female 70-79) Social activities

  10. FS79.pdf

    The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) applies to public bodies such as local authorities, hospital trusts and police authorities. When making decisions, they must give serious consideration (the Act calls ... take at this time. What is reasonable? It depends on factors such as: ⚫ how effective the change will be in assisting disabled people in general or a particular disabled customer, client, service user

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