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  1. Age Cymru response to Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Condiitons in Adults consultation response July 2021.pdf

    dia-centre/press-releases/wales-waiting-times-april/ 2 3 Global Burden ... area of the treatment pathway to achieve improved outcomes for patients. We are aware that Welsh Government have provided additional funding to support NHS recovery from the pandemic, but not how much of

  2. Age Cymru response to 6th Senedd Health and Social Care priorities September 2021.pdf

    dia-centre/press-releases/wales-waiting-times-april/ 6 7 Global Burden ... for the future and the additional funding that has been made available to social care from Welsh Government is most welcome. However, funding is not the only issue and with changing demography this is likely

  3. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_homeless_people.pdf

    as ‘homeless’ and the numbers accepted are published by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in England, and through the devolved administrations in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland ... 10 House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee (2016) Homelessness, Third report of session 2016-17 11 Alden S (2017) Public-sector

  4. RB_Oct15_Diversity_Dementia_Gearing_up.pdf

    family members. However, details of over 100 HAs were explored, using internet search of HAs and bodies representing HAs specialising in services for ethnic minority groups to inform the sample of HAs ... with the black and minority ethnic community, working closely with the local NHS and other public bodies. Some of their tenants have developed dementia but HA11 accepts people who have a diagnosis of dementia

  5. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    some of the time. 8 9 DWP (2013) Fulfilling ... heaviest users of local authority social services and are therefore the people most affected by UK government austerity measures implemented since 2008.20 It is estimated that between 2007/8 and 2012, a quarter

  6. FS55.pdf

    information about benefits which you may find useful. ⚫ CA guidance can be found at ... the competent state to pay cash sickness benefits’ at: ads/attachment_data/file/910763/dmgch0702.pdf Social Security Scotland Information

  7. Preserving what matters report v5.pdf

    something we all manage throughout our lives. In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Welsh Government provided funding for Age Cymru to undertake research into the mental health of older adults in ... Wales: Language Levels, work-welsh/social-care-wales-languagelevels/ Welsh Government, More than just words: Welsh language plan in health and social care (2022),

  8. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2020.pdf

    local partners and Age Connects Wales partners throughout Wales. The project is funded by Welsh Government under the Sustainable Social Services Grant until the end of March 2023. Thirteen of the fifteen

  9. Accessing help for other.pdf

    available, though may be available via virtual, or other, different methods to normal. The Welsh Government have advised that “video appointments will be offered if doctors want more information than a telephone

  10. RB_Jan14_Resilience_recent_retirees.pdf

    the overall size of pensions available to fund retirement. Auto-enrolment and current efforts by government, industry and employers to increase savings is crucial to providing the underpin for resilience

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