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  1. RB_June14_Generation_R_Research.pdf

    Pensions Policy Institute, for reviewing and commenting on our statistical analysis. Warm thanks also go to Deborah Mattinson, Cordelia Hay, Justine Lukas and Michaela Rhode at Britain Thinks for their ... experiences, thoughts, strengths, and fears. They brought life to our analysis Age UK Research The Research Department at Age UK generates valid, reliable and sound evidence for the Age UK Group

  2. RB_June13_Problem_debt_among_older_people.pdf

    our information and advice, services, research, campaigns, products and training. In the UK we work closely with our partners Age Cymru, Age NI, Age Scotland and the many local Age UKs and older people’s ... services at a local and national level including information and advice that reaches some 6 million people each year. We seek to play a constructive role in debates around ageing and older people’s issues

  3. RB_Jan14_Resilience_recent_retirees.pdf

    services products for people at, and in, retirement. We are the leading provider of enhanced annuities and the second largest provider of equity release mortgages in the UK, and a member of both the Association ... Association of British Insurers and the Equity Release Council (the representative organisation for equity release providers, formerly SHIP). 1. What is your recipe for resilience for recent retirees?  Replace

  4. RB_Aug17_briefing_poverty.pdf

    briefing looks at how we define poverty and gives information about older people living on a low income: the extent of poverty in later life, changes over time and who is at greatest risk. What do we ... their resources are not enough to meet their basic needs and also to allow them to take part in society.i This could mean struggling to cover food and energy bills, watching every penny spent, worrying that

  5. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    structure 14 Policy context and background 14 Research aims 16 Research design and sample 16 1 Perceptions of hardship 18 What is seen as hardship? 18 Life trajectories and previous experiences 19 Making ... comparisons to others 20 2 The practicalities of living on a low income 22 Hard work and discipline 22 Restrictions, compromise and going without 28 What can threaten the balance? 32 Conclusion 35 3 The emotional

  6. RB_Oct15_Age_UK_almanac.pdf

    almanac of disease profiles in later life A reference on the frequency of major diseases, conditions and syndromes affecting older people in England David Melzer, Joao Correa Delgado, Rachel Winder, Jane ... reserved. i Funding This study was supported mainly by Age UK (registered charity number 1128267). JD and AB were supported by the National Institute for Health Research School for Public Health Research (NIHR

  7. RB_May12_Health_care_quality_report.pdf

    LATER LIFE Improving quality of prevention and treatment through information: England 2005 to 2012 MAY 2012 A report from the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry Ageing Research Group for Age UK ... UK Authors: David Melzer, Behrooz Tavakoly, Rachel Winder, Suzanne Richards, Christian Gericke and Iain Lang © 2012 PCMD Ageing Research Group, University of Exeter. All rights reserved. © 2012 PCMD

  8. Supporting you to be heard leaflet (ew5).pdf

    an advocate? Because… • Sometimes I don’t understand the information people give me about my care and support • I think I might need help but I don’t know how to go about it or what will happen next ... Sometimes it’s hard to get my point across • I struggle to get people to listen to my views, my wishes and my feelings More information on advocacy can be found from: • Your Local Authority

  9. Commissioning IPA Framework English Oct 19.pdf

    Commissioning Independent Professional Advocacy for Adults under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 A Framework and Toolkit Ministerial Foreword I am pleased to be able to introduce the National ... emphasise that securing strong voice, choice and control for individuals is a key principle of Welsh Government and this is clearly reflected in the recent legislation and policy we have introduced. In 2016 Age

  10. RB_apr14_services-what_works_spreads.pdf

    We do this by addressing health inequality, reducing loneliness and isolation, improving retirement incomes and tackling poverty and discrimination against those in later life in all its forms. We also ... Research, and Professor Alan Walker from the New Dynamics of Ageing, for help identifying authors and research for this book. We also thank Age UK’s Research Department for assistance with editing. And not least

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