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  1. Newsletter Summer 2021 - Welsh.pdf

    Cymru, ynghyd â Cymru Egnïol, COPA, Fforwm Pensiynwyr Cymru, NPC Wales, Senedd Pobl Hŷn Cymru ac Women Connect First, ag arolwg cenedlaethol i ddeall profiadau pobl hŷn o Covid-19 a’r cyfyngiadau cyfnod

  2. FS79.pdf

    minimum residency requirements for anyone claiming Council Tax Reduction (CTR) in their area. Three women took the council to court on various grounds, including that the council had failed to comply with

  3. IG47.pdf

    types of specialists, including psychologists, psychiatrists and nurses with specialist dementia training. 11 Some memory services offer sessions for a few weeks following a diagnosis, to go over things

  4. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Cym.pdf

    post-stroke Journal of Transport & Health, 1, 95–99. Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2010). The role of education and training in helping older people to travel after the cessation of driving International Journal of Education

  5. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.pdf

    a. What is your main method of transport? (Select one option) e Driving yourself e Public buses e Trains e Cycle e Taxis e Community transport e Through friends or family e Don’t travel e

  6. CRS_Aug16_Ofwat_introducing_competition_to residential_customers.pdf

    An example of this is the Age UK Energy Advisors programme, run during 201516, involving fully trained Energy Advisors going to people’s homes to deliver a range of energy support, including help to switch

  7. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    advice, practical help and a friendly ear for problems big and small across every area of life. We train our advisers to handle complex issues and can offer advice on everything from getting access to benefits

  8. RB_Sept14_Building_an_income_for_retirement.pdf

    current legislation State Pension age for women will increase to 65 by 6 November 2018, bringing them in line with men. The State Pension Age (SPA) for men and women will then increase to 67 by 2034. The

  9. CRS_Oct15_Primary_Care_Public_Health_Inquiry.pdf

    feeling confident/physically able to do so. For people over 75, 80 per cent with diabetes are not trained to manage their condition; 73 per cent with osteoarthritis are not supported to prevent it getting

  10. Loneliness policy statement - May 2017.pdf

    friendly Wales would see the development of a fully integrated sustainable transport network, with trains and buses linked to other forms of transport including pedestrian and cycle routes, and better integration

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