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  1. HOPE Independent Volunteer Advocate role description - final - updated Dec22.pdf

    Helping others participate and engage (HOPE) heard and to achieve their personal aspirations and goals. Within this role you’ll support people with their issues or concerns and ultimately empower them ... disempowered  Feel included  Get the support they need, when they need it, based on what matters to them  Understand their options and choices  Choose what they feel is best for them given all the relevant

  2. What to include in your Attendance Allowance application

    Information and advice on how to apply for Attendance Allowance and what to include on the form.

  3. Fundraising events

    are so many ways to raise money for Age Cymru. Whether you want to run, cycle or skydive, knit, sing or bake, the money you raise will ensure we can continue to be here for older people in Wales when they ... completing a challenge you will not only be achieving a huge personal goal, you'll also be raising much needed funds to go towards helping vulnerable older people across Wales. Knit Why not get involved in our Big

  4. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_homeless_people.pdf

    Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review 2017 1 Diversity in older age – Older homelessness The characteristics of older homelessness can change rapidly over time and may differ significantly from place ... place to place. This review will focus on older homelessness in England. In England older homelessness is currently on the increase and the number of older street-homeless has doubled in the five years

  5. RB_Oct15_Diversity_Dementia_Gearing_up.pdf

    Jill Manthorpe About the Authors Valerie Lipman has worked in the older people’s voluntary sector for many years and has a particular interest in race and ethnicity in the sector. She is currently a post-doctoral ... London. Jill Manthorpe is Director of the Social Care Workforce Research Unit at King’s College London. She has worked in the voluntary sector and as a Board member of national and local older people’s

  6. Intergenerational falls prevention

    pack is designed to help children think about falling over, the impact that this could have on people, how they can support friends, relatives and loved ones to reduce their risk of falling over and think

  7. RB_April17_Behind_the_Headlines_ hours_worked.pdf

    employment rate does not tell the whole story about working longer April 2017 2 Contents Summary of findings.......................................................................................... ... .............................................................. 10 The gap between rates and hours gets wider ............................................................ 10 Age and gender changes ....

  8. RB_Oct11_Delivering_The_Equality_Duty.pdf

    Document purpose To assist public bodies providing services to older people to implement the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. Title Delivering the Equality Duty: Age matters in public services. Publication ... professionals working with older people. Description This document: • p rovides an overview of the requirements of the Public Service Equality Duty arising from the Equality Act 2010 • p rovides guidance

  9. RB_March14_Digitalbydefault_Government_services_online.pdf

    more efficient and cost-effective but also to provide information and access to services in a way that is quick and convenient for individuals at times that suit them. Services will become ‘digital by ... we mean digital services that are so straightforward and convenient that all those who can use them will choose to do so whilst those who can’t are not excluded’ It also states that ‘it is important that

  10. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks. - welsh FINAL.pdf

    a Theidiau a Neiniau i siarad am Risgiau Cwympo Taid: Diolch am ofalu amdanaf a rydych chi’n iawn, dydw i ddim mor egnïol ag oeddwn yn arfer bod. Os gwnewch chi fy helpu i gadw’n egnïol, gallaf ... rydyn ni’n mynd, heb gau carrau ein hesgidiau, felly rydyn ni’n siŵr o gwympo” Jac a Jill: Na, dydw i ddim yn eistedd ar y ‘step plant drwg’ ond yn meddwl pa mor beryglus y gall grisiau fod ac rydych

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