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  1. Glossary of online terms

    A type of computer program that you can download for your computer, tablet or mobile phone. There are hundreds of different apps available, some for free, which do lots of different things, from playing ... allowing you to access your bank account. Attachment Files, such as photos, documents or programs, which are sent along with an email. Browser The computer software or app you use to access the internet. Examples

  2. How to find a good tradesperson

    tradespeople you’re considering, contact them and check: their prices – get at least 3 quotes so you are able to compare. Check exactly what is covered by the price (e.g. labour and material costs) so you ... materials the tradesperson will use and what you will supply, whether subcontractors such as plumbers are included in the cost, and cleaning up and disposal of waste. Get a written contract For any medium

  3. IG13.pdf

    a lot of the support and information mentioned in this guide. My local council phone number is: Where possible, the information given in this guide is applicable across the UK. When we refer to local ... local health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland. Throughout the guide, this symbol indicates where information differs for Wales and Northern Ireland. “I care for my wife because I love her and she

  4. RB_May14_CPA_Effectiveness_of_care_pathways.pdf

     case management plans, clinical care pathways or  care maps, are used to systematically plan and follow up a focused patient or client care programme.1  Care pathways are a way of setting out a process of best practice ... in the treatment of a patient or client with a particular condition or with particular needs. They are a distillation of the best available expert opinion on the care process and should be evidence based

  5. Age Cymru response to Senedd consultation on hospital discharge January 2022.pdf

    projects routinely have referrals from our Information and Advice service when issues older people are facing become too large to cope with alone. Since the projects launched in 2020, we have had a consistent ... is poor or no communication with next of kin, even in instances where Lasting Powers of Attorney are in place and where family members are known carers for the person. In addition to delays, this can lead

  6. CF recruitment pack 2023_English (1).pdf

    member of Age Cymru’s Consultative Forum. We are looking for new members who are willing to share their experiences and to contribute to Age Cymru’s policies. We are particularly interested to hear from people ... Age Cymru has adapted the way we provide help and support. Our team has been imaginative and what are normally inperson activities have often been adapted to an online environment. Importantly, Age Cymru

  7. RB_March16_Behind_the_Headlines_Hospital_Discharge.pdf

    1 Behind the Headlines Are older people and their families really to blame when their hospital discharges are delayed? Age UK, March 2016 Contact: Ruthe Isden, ... uk 2 Behind the headlines: are older people and families really to blame when their hospital discharges are delayed? We are regularly reading articles in the media about ‘bed blocking’

  8. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    create additional challenges. Geography was highlighted as a particularly important factor and there are differences between areas: coastal and rural areas have a higher number of older people, for example ... population who could have difficulty driving. They could particularly help in areas where public transport services are insufficient. The meeting heard about a transport scheme in North Lincolnshire that

  9. Spring 2022 Newsletter v4.pdf

    Pension Credit are not receiving it, often because they think they won’t get it and so don’t claim. So please check and encourage others to do the same. As we head towards Spring, we are once more working ... have collected over the last two years has proved invaluable in making sure older people’s voices are being heard by Welsh Government, Members of the Senedd and other key decision makers. We’d encourage

  10. Supporting you to be heard leaflet (ew5).pdf

    or what will happen next • I am not able to say what matters to me especially when lots of people are telling me what would be best for me. • I need someone independent to help me say how I feel • Sometimes ... anodd iawn gwneud dewisiadau • Weithiau mae’n anodd cyfleu fy mhwynt • Mae’n anodd cael pobl i wrando ar fy marn, fy nymuniadau a fy nheimladau Ble i gael mwy o wybodaeth am eiriolaeth: • Eich awdurdod

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