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  1. CRS_Aug16_Ofwat_introducing_competition_to residential_customers.pdf

    others suggests that switching would not be successful. This is because a) the savings are less than what people would be motivated by to switch, b) customer satisfaction is high, and c) not all those say ... to vulnerable customers. Many older people face a range of barriers to switching and so risk losing out on price over the longer-term. 4. Barriers to switching faced by many older people include: not using

  2. Director recruitment pack.pdf

    forward to receiving your application. Please do contact me if you wish to have an informal discussion about the role/organisation or if you have any other questions to help you decide whether to apply ... with our commitment to equality and diversity. Please note that applications can only be considered if all the documentation is complete. Please send your application, preferably in MS Word format by

  3. RB_2016_Testing_Promising_Approaches_to_Reducing_Loneliness_Report.pdf

    older people. Using the loneliness framework which sets out the building blocks to identify and improve services, and drawing to fill the evidence of what works, local Age UKs can act on gaps in provision and ... addressing loneliness, Age UK and the participating local Age UKs have been able to explore and evidence what works to reduce older people’s feelings of loneliness. Pam Creaven Services Director Age UK More than

  4. RB_Oct11_Delivering_The_Equality_Duty.pdf

    population, we can assume that there are at least 600,000 older LGB people currently living in the UK. If public services are to meet older people’s needs, enable them to reach their potential and guarantee ... their dignity, then they must view older people not as a homogeneous group but in all their diversity. If public services are to meet older people’s needs, enable them to reach their potential and guarantee

  5. Corina Walker

    and Age Cymru were looking for people to learn the over 50’s form to deliver in local communities. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? I started volunteering after I retired from ... positive way. What do you enjoy most about your volunteering experience? The actual sessions and hearing how it has benefited the participants. Also seeing and hearing how much people value it. What would you

  6. RB_Dec16_No_one_Should_Have_No_one.pdf

    loneliness amongst older people No one should have no one 03 What is Age UK doing to address loneliness? 05 What have we learnt? 10 What can you do to prevent and tackle loneliness? 12 References ... and some routes are being removed altogether. This makes it much harder for many older people to get out and about. Increasing delivery of services through email and the internet is more convenient for many

  7. BigStep_Fundraising_Pack.pdf

    your fundraising makes a difference A friendship call makes a huge difference How far do I walk / run / cycle? Your fundraising pack Did you know? Our official route About Age Cymru The facts A word from ... around Wales. Set yourself an individual goal and know you’ll be contributing to our challenge to walk, run or cycle around the circumference of Wales. To take part in The Big Step is to help us combat rising

  8. Winter Celebration Grant Eligibility and Criteria Funding 2018.pdf

    cannot be made to individuals. What type of activity can be funded?  Christmas lunches or Christmas parties  New Year celebrations  Chinese New Year celebrations  Outings to the theatre or pantomime  ...  Christmas shopping trips  Theatre trips  Other relevant winter celebration, meal or outing Activities must take place between November 2018 and 28 February 2019. This grant programme will not fund

  9. RB_July16_Walking_the_tightrope.pdf

    own research and focus groups, it investigates the stories of 50+ carers, looking at what works – and crucially what’s needed – to improve their employment prospects. And new analysis for this report finds ... 30 Impacts on employers 30 Societal impacts 31 Gaps in the later life workforce/care supply 31 4. What makes a difference? – Supporting carers to remain in work Improving access to flexible working 33

  10. Grant application information and guidance - Small grant programme to combat isolation and loneliness of older military veterans in Wales.pdf

    Separately, more technical guidelines on using the GIFTS system can be found on the Age Cymru website. If you require assistance with the GIFTS system, please email The deadline for submitting ... 3 Section 4: Who can apply? 3 Section 5: How we will assess your bid 3 Section 6: If you are awarded funding 4 Page 2 of 4 1. Background to the funding Loneliness

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