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  1. RB_2012_Equalities_Evidence_Review_Moriarty.pdf

    in relation to the following areas:  Falls prevention  Home from hospital services  Practical support at home (e.g. handyperson services)  Befriending  Day opportunities The review was structured around ... legislation differs across different countries. In addition, older people’s rights to care and support vary. Age UK, the funder, asked us to consider research on falls prevention, home from hospital

  2. Age Cymru - Report on the current experiences of people aged 50 or over across Wales of the Covid-19 pandemic and views on the year ahead - June 2022.pdf

    with shopping and collecting prescriptions, and an appreciation of community spirit, friendship and support, including online help. ‘My husband has been ill with cancer so last three months have been taken ... communication which they couldn’t before. ‘Women Connect First provided a laptop for me to use and supported me to help me join all activities, seminars. The volunteers were amazing’ Other positive experiences

  3. Final Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness report

    badges encourage people to start a conversation. The British Red Cross Connecting Communities service supports individuals in their communities. Simon Rawles (BRC). Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness | A call ... who he’d met through taking his son to Stay and Play sessions before the separation, and who had supported him through the custody battle. He’s now been volunteering for more than five years, alongside his

  4. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    helping everyone make the most of later life. We provide services and support at a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached ... cost-effective way, but individuals need a way into the system, for example through their GP, to support their social, emotional and practical needs. • Devolving power locally can make integration easier

  5. Newsletter Spring 2021.pdf

    take on extra responsibilities as support services were withdrawn in many cases. “We would hope that many of these issues would have improved as services and support has adapted. However, if there are ... still problem areas and gaps in services we need to hear about them. We also need to understand what support older people will need to re-engage with their community. You can complete our survey online:

  6. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    addition, we have worked with our national partners Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland to help them support older people in those countries. More than 280 organisations have expressed an interest in joining ... OUR INFORMATION AND ADvICE SERvICE rEACHED 6 MILLIOn pEOpLE MOrE THAn 7,400 vALuABLE vOLunTEErS SuppOrTED Our WOrk 7,000 DURING ITEA AND BISCUITS WEEK OLDER PEOPLE LEARNED ABOUT THE SOCIAL BENEFITS OF

  7. CRS_Dec15_Financial_Advice_Market_Review.pdf

    retirement, and how to repay an unpaid interest-only mortgage; advice on dealing with legacy issues; support with day to day money management, particularly for people in later old age.  We recommend keeping ... how much advice is going to cost are a major barrier to engagement. FCA’s innovation hub should support the industry to develop set-price models of advice, making full use of automated technology. If automated

  8. CRS_Oct14_Home_Office_Domestic_abuse_consultation.pdf

    domestic abuse can be profound for those who may be reliant on a partner to provide care and financial support. There is evidence from criminal cases and a Serious Case Review that agencies have not recognised ... recognised domestic abuse issues for older people and have not put into place protective or supportive measures that may have reduced the risks of harm1. However, clear evidence of the scale of the issue is

  9. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    schemes and village agents can be beneficial. They can have invaluable local knowledge and ability to support networks in a way that can overcome geographical challenges. Connectivity Connectivity in rural areas ... insufficient. The meeting heard about a transport scheme in North Lincolnshire that provides door-to-door support to people in need of transport. It was personalised (not just a ‘taxi service’) and last year 6000

  10. Public health approach to gender based violence - Age Cymru consultation response April 2023.pdf

    in-older-people/ 2 Improving Support and Services for Older Men Experiencing Domestic Abuse – Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, 23rd August 2022, Improving Support and Services for Older Men Experiencing ... may be inadvertently neglecting their loved ones at a time when public services are not there to support them sufficiently. Whilst this consultation focusses on gender based violence, it is important to

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