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  1. CRS_March15_Care_Act_guidance_older_people_voices.pdf

    older people admitted to hospital and then being stranded there even when medically fit enough to come home, due to reductions in social care. When discussing care funding more broadly, older people who participated ... system work, then how can the cap be positive?” Eligibility criteria and keeping people healthy at home All groups of older people who were consulted agreed that the eligibility criteria for care and support

  2. RB_June14_financial_resilience_in_later_life.pdf

    Toynbee Hall. The provocations are available online at: • Laurence Baxter, Head of Policy and Research at the Chartered Insurance ... associated with being ready for ageing. Being well-educated, economically active and being an outright home owner (as opposed to having a mortgage or renting) is significantly related to being ready for ageing

  3. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    interventions for community-dwelling older people rather than those in residential or nursing care homes, because of the relevance to services Age UKs may be able to provide. ‘Normal’ brain ageing The average ... diagnosed with dementia live on their own in the community.34 About two-thirds of people living in care homes, or 275,000 people, have diagnosable dementia (ie. dementia that has progressed enough to be readily

  4. CRS_June2014_APPG_Food_Hunger_response_June_2014.pdf

    session distressed and unwell having not been able to buy food for some time. He lived alone in his own home and his only income was a pension of £73 a week, which was all being used on household bills. He was ... people of working age 1) A man in his 50s cared for his mother until she had to move in to a care home. After 8 weeks his Carer’s Allowance stopped, leaving him with no money. Although Age UK advised him

  5. RB_Oct10_Invisible_But_Invaluable_Report.pdf

    but trying to keep up with the jobs that both of them used to share – cleaning and maintaining the home and garden, doing the shopping, washing and ironing, DIY, etc. ‘Getting meals, washing, ironing, snatching ... vigilant about the carer’s health, would also be able to offer home visits knowing that it is difficult for the carer to leave the home. 13 Social isolation Older carers’ difficulty in leaving the house

  6. RB_Nov15_Financial_Abuse_Evidence_Review.pdf

     People frequently requesting small amounts of money from you.  Family members moving into your home without your consent and without a prior agreement on sharing costs.  Pressurising you to sign over ... charge of your benefits and not giving you all your money. The definition used for No Secrets (DH/Home Office, 2000) is: Financial or material abuse, including theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in

  7. What matters to you.docx

    your home situation?o Ownhomeoutrighto Buyinghomewithmortgage/loano Rentfromlocalcouncilo Rent from housing association/social landlordo Rentprivatelyo Liveinshelteredhousingo Live in a mobile home (a caravan

  8. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    problems around elderly patients being admitted to hospital as they are unable to be cared for at home. This also causes problems with discharge from hospital. There is a care gap where providers are unable ... difficult to manage and patients often have to be admitted to hospital when they would prefer to be at home. Why rural health and care is challenging Two key ideas where suggested for why rural health and care

  9. Spring 2024 - English.pdf

    Cymru has been told that for most customers, digital switchover will simply involve connecting your home phone handset to a router rather than the phone socket on the wall. And if you don’t have a router ... number. For most customers all aspects of the transition will be completely free of charge with no home installation work required. So, if somebody does request some form of payment it’s probably a scam

  10. RB_Dec13_Roundtable_is_it_too_late_to_save.pdf

    approach to investment (holding cash) can actually deliver a poor retirement income. Ignoring one’s own home, the size of cash holdings relative to other forms of investment underlines a very short-term investment ... create simple banking products that help Generation R downsize or unlock the value of owning their home to invest in other ways to generate retirement income? The current framing of disclaimers in investment

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