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  1. FS24w.pdf

     September 2024 Direct payments for social care services in Wales Factsheet 24w  September 2024 2 of 47 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet ... Legislation covering the social care system in Wales – the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and accompanying Code of Practice guidance

  2. One_Digital_Phase_1_Evaluation-Full_Report.pdf

    Digital Learning from the Age UK Project Vinal K Karania (Research Manager), December 2016 BACKGROUND WHAT IS ONE DIGITAL? • Big Lottery-funded venture led by a partnership of Digital Unite, Affinity ... AbilityNet, SCVO, Age UK and Citizens Online • Each partner delivered specific projects, through the use ‘trusted intermediaries’ to promote and deliver basic digital skills to end beneficiaries • Programme

  3. are_you_listening_interactive.pdf

    statutory bodies on the effective engagement of older people Are you listening? Acknowledgements This booklet has been produced in partnership between Age UK, South East Network of Seniors (SENS) and South ... by Help the Aged in 2007, as well as further discussions between Age UK staff and representatives of older people’s forums and networks. Age UK, the new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged,

  4. FS63.pdf

    2 of 38 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 4 2 Recent housing legislation in Wales – the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 ... Introduction – the private rented sector 7 4 Welsh Government information on renting a home 8 5 Where to find private rented accommodation 9 6 Viewing the property to decide whether it is suitable 9 7 Types of occupation

  5. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    0 Age UK End of Life Evidence Review 2013 Susan Davidson and Tom Gentry End of Life Evidence Review Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................ ... ......... 1 2 Age and cause of death .................................................................................................................. 3 3 What are the key issues? .................

  6. Dec 2016 Safeguarding meeting - External.pdf

    Notes On Wednesday 7th December, the APPG for Ageing and Older People hosted an event to explore the issue of Safeguarding older people from abuse and neglect. The aim of the meeting was to highlight and ... types of abuse as well as exploring the impact of abuse on older people the ways policymakers can improve prevention and support. The event was Chaired by Baroness Barker and the speakers at the event

  7. RB_June15_Lonelines_in_later_life_evidence_review.pdf

    . 4 Direct measures of subjective loneliness ........................................................................................ 4 Multi-dimensional instruments to measure of loneliness ......... ... ..................................................... 5 Loneliness as part of wider well-being scales ................................................................................. 6 3 Factors associated

  8. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf

    1 Consultation response to ‘Residential Property Management Services: An update paper on the market study’ Competition and Markets Authority Ref: 1914 Date: September 2014 Name: Joe Oldman ... paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock

  9. envisage15_English.pdf

    knowledge, and perspective – business is recognising the benefits of supporting staff over 50 – Jill Salter and D’Yon Dowell Page 16 Older workers and the menopause at work – Shavanah Taj Page 18 Why supporting ... before. For some this is through choice while, for others, a combination of economic factors and policies such as the raising of the State Pension age mean that continuing to work is a financial imperative

  10. envisage15_English.pdf

    knowledge, and perspective – business is recognising the benefits of supporting staff over 50 – Jill Salter and D’Yon Dowell Page 16 Older workers and the menopause at work – Shavanah Taj Page 18 Why supporting ... before. For some this is through choice while, for others, a combination of economic factors and policies such as the raising of the State Pension age mean that continuing to work is a financial imperative

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