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  1. RB_Dec13_Transitions_in_Older_Age.pdf

    someone in the household is nearing state pension age (SPA) and compare this to their situation soon after the household member has reached SPA. We found that reaching state pension age is indeed a major event ... Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) to explore changes to work and income around state pension age. ELSA is a large-scale household survey of people aged 50 and over living in England. It interviews the same

  2. FS39w.pdf

    the other remains living at home) 11 4.6 Joint assessments of capital where it is more ‘financially advantageous’ to the care home resident 12 4.7 Dividing up ... (whilst the other remains living at home) 13 4.9 Joint assessments of income where it is more ‘financially advantageous’ to the care home resident 14 4.10 Income from

  3. Rights at work

    before you can qualify for them. Your employment contract may state how long this qualification period is. Your contract may also include terms and conditions that are more generous than the ones that your ... provide less than the basic legal rights, this is unlawful. A contract doesn’t have to be written for you to have rights – if there is no piece of paper, what was agreed verbally will apply. Self-employed

  4. RB_June15_Frailty_language_and_perceptions.pdf

    themselves. Among older people’s specialists the term ‘frailty’ is used to describe a spectrum of physical and mental health states and is used to assess risk or to put together a care plan for an individual ... complex care needs or in late old age. Importantly, there is evidence to suggest that the term ‘frailty’ does not resonate with older people, nor is it something that they identify with. This has led some

  5. RB_Sept14_Building_an_income_for_retirement.pdf

    contributions; and mandation. It aims to evaluate the potential for boosting private pension saving and what might be the consequences of this for individuals. It examines a range of outcomes for each scenario ... National Institute for Economic and Social Research, using its LINDA model, which is a development of NIBAX funded by a number of organisations, including the Department for Work and Pensions and HM Revenue

  6. HOPE Project external evaluation tender notice June 2020.pdf

    organisation Charity number: 1128436 The Age Cymru Vision and Mission Our vision for a world in which older people flourish, is shared with our national partners across the UK. Our mission is to improve life ... framework This project is funded by the Welsh Government under the Sustainable Social Services Grant. It is a 3-year programme running from April 2020 – March 2023. HOPE is a partnership project and

  7. CAP Referal Form 2024.docx

    Male o FemaleDate of birth: Age: Carer: Yes No Address (Permanent/Temporary): What type of accommodation (own home, sheltered housing etc): Postcode: Tel no: Mobile: E-mail: Cultural/ethnic ... you for the referral we will be in touch over the next 5 working days. Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Walesand England 6837284

  8. FS60w.pdf

    303 44 98 Factsheet 60w  July 2024 Choice of care home if the local authority is contributing towards your care fees Factsheet 60w  July 2024 ... preferred accommodation 14 4.4 If your preferred accommodation is in a different local authority area in Wales 16 4.5 If your preferred accommodation is in a different part of the United

  9. Measuring a nation's progress - April 2019.pdf

    Welsh Ministers in measuring a nation’s progress? Welsh Government April 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people ... children, working age and those of pension age. We support this National Indicator and believe that it is important that older people are included in the age groups to be measured. All older people should

  10. IG48.pdf

    companies or charities accepts any liability arising from its use and it is the reader’s sole responsibility to ensure any information is up to date and accurate. Please note that the inclusion of named agencies ... Published: June 2023. 3 Contents What this guide is about. 4. What is dementia? Symptoms to look out for. 6. Diagnosis and support. Seeing your doctor. 9. What if it is dementia? 10. How might dementia

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