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  1. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.docx

    widespread human rights breaches of vulnerable people. People across Wales, including those living in care homes, had seen their human rights breached and some of their access to advocacy, health and social care ... widespread human rights breaches of vulnerable people. People across Wales, including those living in care homes, had seen their human rights breached and some of their access to advocacy, health and social care

  2. Covid Survey 2022 - English - 040322.docx

    now plan to retire later No  Not relevantB3. If you’re employed, were you required to work from home because of Covid-19restrictions? Yes No Not relevant a) If Yes , we’d like to find out a bit more ... alsoliveinthehome?  Yes Noa) iv)Does youremployer offer youany assistive technology tohelp you workfrom home?  Yes NoPlease explain:The future C1. Whatareyoulookingforwardtothisyear? C2. What do you see as

  3. Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    and was followed by ‘A review of dementia training programmes’ (December 2014) and ‘How to audit home and office environments for people with dementia’ (March 2015). The final workshop ‘Risky Business’ ... information, including that on best practices. In one example, a local Age UK was planning to develop a home audit service for people with dementia, having got the idea from another participant at a cohort meeting

  4. RB_July15_Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report.pdf

    and was followed by ‘A review of dementia training programmes’ (December 2014) and ‘How to audit home and office environments for people with dementia’ (March 2015). The final workshop ‘Risky Business’ ... information, including that on best practices. In one example, a local Age UK was planning to develop a home audit service for people with dementia, having got the idea from another participant at a cohort meeting

  5. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    short delay. In occasional cases, personal problems and delays in having access to the internet at home (including perceptions of high broadband charges) delayed people from starting the courses as soon ... people not wishing to drive during the winter months. In cases where people were tutored in the home this was considered a bonus and in some cases vital (for those with visual impairments and mobility

  6. FS49.pdf

    the Winter Fuel Payment. You do not get a payment if, during the qualifying week, you: ⚫ are a care home resident receiving Pension Credit (PC) or a working age means-tested benefit, except Income Support ... partner and they receive PC or a working age means-tested benefit Nil* Nil* You qualify, live in a care home and do not receive PC or a working age means-tested benefit £100 £150 * Your partner receiving PC

  7. CRS_March16_Updating_the_NHS_Constitution.pdf

    no help at all from the NHS. It is estimated that depression affects 40% of older people in care homes, and 78% have at least one form of cognitive impairment. The evidence for both under-provision of

  8. Age Cymru Domiciliary Care Report 2015 (w).pdf

    8 Drafft NICE i ymgynghori arno, Mawrth 2015: Home care: Delivering personal care and practical support to older people living in their own homes. 9 StatsCymru: ... services 15 I Koehler (2014): Key to care. Report of the Burstow Commission on the future of the home care workforce: tud19 Mewn arolwg barn yng Nghymru a gynhaliwyd gan ICM ym mis Chwefror 2015, teimlai

  9. RB_Nov16_Work_and_Health_Programme.pdf

    regardless of their benefit background.  The incentives must be designed to prevent providers from ‘parking’ their older clients in favour of those who are easier to help, and to ensure that the appropriate ... total referrals and successful job outcomes by age group This could indicate that providers are ‘parking’ their older participants, i.e. not even trying to help them find work – perhaps because the over

  10. RB_Dec13_Transitions_in_Older_Age.pdf

    households where neither partner was in work because one was retired and the other was looking after the home and family (34 per cent). • Low income households that remained poor after reaching state pension ... Looking after home Other not working Both working 1 working, 1 disabled 1 working, 1 looking after home 1 working, 1 not working Both not working 1 disabled, 1 not working 1 looking after home, 1 not working

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